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发布时间:2018-02-14 00:13

  本文关键词: 沈阳S灯饰城 市场营销 营销策略 出处:《大连理工大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In recent years, the market construction of lamps and lanterns all over the country has sprung up like bamboo shoots. From the road economy to the era of big stores, the tide of stores is constantly emerging, relying on rent as the control lever. It has played a great role in promoting the lighting industry in Shenyang and even in the Northeast. The transformation and upgrading of the major lighting stores have been gradually accelerated. From the macro environment, the time for the implementation of the real estate purchase restriction policy is getting longer and longer. The more serious the harm to the lamp industry, the more serious the damage; from the market development law, any industry will go through the process of scarcity, rapid development, saturation, survival of the fittest, normal demand, etc. From the perspective of the economic environment, many entrepreneurs have invested their funds out of the country. It has greatly increased the cost of living of consumers. The so-called "meet the brave", how to delineate the site, seize the market? How to build the market, strong breakthrough? So, how will the lighting market ushered in the next "exciting point"? Therefore, how to successfully break through the increasingly fierce market competition has become an urgent problem. Is also the Shenyang S lighting city marketing model needs to be studied. The focus of this study is the Shenyang S lighting city as the object, This paper first introduces the basic situation of Shenyang S Lighting City and the problems existing in marketing, at the same time, analyzes the macro environment. And through SWOT analysis, the opportunity and threat of Shenyang S Lighting City are obtained, and the reasonable and accurate positioning is carried out on the basis of market segmentation. Secondly, based on the basic theory of marketing, comprehensive analysis is carried out, and products, prices and promotions are formulated. Finally, according to the actual situation of Shenyang S Lighting City, to make sure that the marketing strategy of Shenyang S Lighting City can be implemented effectively. It provides a practical marketing strategy for Shenyang S Lighting City in the increasingly fierce market competition, and provides valuable reference for other professional lamps and lighting stores in Shenyang area.


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