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发布时间:2018-02-16 23:16

  本文关键词: 多Z值地质体 三维可视化 OpenGL 地质体建模 出处:《安徽理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着计算机图形学技术的发展,目前对二维世界的研究已不能满足人们的需求,进而开始向三维领域扩展。三维可视化技术即是利用计算机技术,模拟三维世界中的物体,使其能够表达三维物体的外观,内部构造等复杂信息,并且使其具有实时交互的能力,实现对现实世界的真实再现。由于三维世界更加接近生活,人们对三维信息的需求与日俱增,三维可视化技术如雨后春笋般快速发展,已经广泛应用于社会生活的各个领域,比如数字城市、军事应用、环境监测、风景区规划、地质体建模和矿山数字化建设、交通监控、房地产开发、水文地质活动、医疗救助等。 另外三维可视化技术的优势在很多行业,科研领域,工程项目上也都得到的体现,例如在地质行业的应用,三维可视化技术解决了原始地质体只能在纸质图纸上绘制的缺点,将地质体模型以三维直观的形态展现,很好的实现数据共享,为数字矿山的建设提供了帮助。在航空领域,三维可视化技术强大的视觉冲击力带领大家遨游了太空,就像置身于太空中一样,在仿真技术方面的应用,可为医学手术实施、机械制造加工、矿物开采加工、水利设施建设等提供一定的决策作用。也就是说,三维可视化技术的发展,已给人们带来了更多的惊喜,对三维可视化的研究有着非常重要的意义。 构建数据模型从计算机学科出发,已经渗透到各个学科当中。在地理学、地质学、测绘学、海洋学、建筑学、生物医学等学科中都逐渐开始应用建模技术,而且为这些学科的科学研究提供了极其有用的帮助,在一定程度上促进了这些学科的发展。 地质行业作为一门特殊的行业,有它一定的艰苦性,我国历史悠久,地层年代久远,地质条件因地区性存在很大差异。地质情况掌握的好坏直接关系到煤矿安全生产,房屋、隧道、桥梁安全建设等等方面,所以地质行业的发展也间接关系到民生工程的建设。地质体的建模和三维可视化技术既是在科技飞速发展的今天应运而生,近些年来已成为学者们研究的热点,国内外的学者在地质体数据建模和三维可视化领域也取得了一定的成就,但是学术是没有顶峰的,需要地质学者们不断攀岩。本论文就单-多z值地质体的混合建模和三维可视化,空间分析做了研究和讨论,主要技术路线是:使用c++开发语言,在VC++6.0中的MFC可视化开发框架下,结合图形库OpenGL做地质体的统一建模及三维可视化,空间分析研究。首先将地质勘探法获得的钻孔数据整理存储,插值加密得到地质体建模的源数据,然后在计算机上编写代码,结合OpenGL图形库绘制地质体面元,模拟出单-多Z值地质体的面模型,继而根据地质体面元z值与体元Z值大小的比较结果,设置算法构建单,多Z值地质体的体模型,在计算机上三维可视化表示。在地质体统一模型构建的基础上再实现地质体的空间分析功能,使得地质体模型不是单一的而是具有空间分析功能的模型。关键措施如下:(1)钻孔数据的三维坐标的规整(2)插值获取加密的钻孔数据,使其足以构建精确的地质体数据模型(3)利用c++面向对象的开发特点,编写程序实现单,多z值地质体的统一建模和三维可视化(4)为可视化的地质体模型贴纹理使其更加真实和直观(5)编写程序实现地质体模型的剖面图,使得地质体内部结构能得以体现(6)提高可视化程度添加属性查询,空间量算,三维坐标查询。
[Abstract]:With the development of computer graphics technology, the current research on the two-dimensional world already cannot satisfy people's needs, and then began to expand the field of 3D. 3D visualization technology is the use of computer technology, simulation of 3D objects in the world, making it possible to express 3D object appearance, internal structure of complex information, and it has the ability of real-time interaction, achieve a true representation of the real world. The 3D world closer to life, people demand for three-dimensional information visualization techniques such as bamboo shoots after a spring rain grow with each passing day, like rapid development, has been widely used in various fields of social life, such as digital city, military applications, environmental monitoring, scenic area planning, digital construction, geology mine body modeling and traffic monitoring, real estate development, hydrogeology, medical assistance and so on.
In addition to the field of scientific research of 3D visualization technology advantage in many industries, projects have also been reflected, for example in the application of geological industry, 3D visualization technology to solve the original geological body can only draw on paper drawing on the shortcomings of the geological model to show three-dimensional shape, to achieve a good data sharing provides help for the construction of digital mine. In the field of aviation, the visual impact of 3D visualization technology powerful lead us to visit the space, like space, used in simulation technology, can be implemented for medical surgery, mechanical manufacturing, mineral processing, and provide decision a certain role in the construction of water conservancy facilities etc. that is to say, the development of 3D visualization technology, has brought more surprises, has a very important significance to the study of 3D visualization.
Starting from the construction of computer science data model, has penetrated into various disciplines. In geography, geology, topography, oceanography, architecture, biomedical and other disciplines are gradually began to use modeling technology, and provides useful help for scientific research in these disciplines, to a certain extent, promoted the development of these disciplines.
The geological industry as a special industry, it is difficult to some extent, China has a long history, stratigraphic age, geological conditions for different regional geological conditions. Master is directly related to the coal mine production safety, housing, tunnel, bridge construction safety and so on, so the development of geological industry also indirectly to the construction of livelihood projects. Geological modeling and 3D visualization technology is in the rapid development of science and technology today emerged in recent years has become the focus of scholars, domestic and foreign scholars have made some achievements in geological data modeling and 3D visual field, but there is no academic peak, need geological scholars continue to rock climbing. The single - Z hybrid modeling and 3D visualization, spatial analysis to do the research and discussion, the main technical route is: using c++ The development of language, visual MFC development framework in VC++6.0, unified modeling and 3D visualization with OpenGL graphics library to do geological research. Firstly, the spatial analysis of geological exploration drilling data obtained by sorting storage, interpolation source data obtained geological modeling, and then write code on the computer, with OpenGL graphic library drawing geological decent yuan, simulate the single surface model of multi Z value of geological bodies, and then according to the geological element Z value comparison results of decent size and element Z value setting algorithm to construct single and multi Z value model of the geological body, said the computer 3D visualization. Based on establishing a unified model of geological body on the implementation of geological spatial analysis function, the geological model is not single but has the function of spatial analysis model. The key measures are as follows: (1) the 3D coordinates of borehole data. The interpolation (2) Get bored of data encryption, so it can build accurate geological data model (3) using the development characteristics of c++ object oriented programming, single, multi Z unified modeling and 3D visualization of geological body (4) for geological model visualization of the texture to make it more real and intuitive writing (5) profile of program of the geological model, the internal structure of the geological body can be reflected in (6) to improve the visualization of the add attribute query, spatial measurement, three-dimensional coordinates query.



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