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发布时间:2018-02-16 22:51

  本文关键词: 房地产营销 差异化 营销策略 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, China's economy is still in the period of structural adjustment and transformation, and the process of urbanization has entered an accelerated stage. Urbanization is the driving force of China's economic growth in the future. The synergistic effect of urbanization and "metropolitan area" has gradually shifted to two, three, two, three. China's real estate industry has gone through a golden decade. With the increasing urbanization rate, real estate has begun to enter a real demand era, considering current and future economic expectations and social conditions. The real estate industry should enter the silver age of 20 years of steady development. At the same time, because of the imbalance of China's national conditions and economic development, the real estate market has its unique characteristics, the regional differences are extremely obvious, the competition in the industry is incomplete and insufficient. The market in general is in a state of primary and disorderly competition, especially in third-and fourth-tier cities. Most property developers face huge market demand. How to scientifically apply real estate marketing theory to analyze, study and develop marketable products of regional real estate market, How to formulate reasonable marketing and promotion strategy is not only the primary subject that real estate developers face in three or four cities, but also the competitive magic weapon on which to win in this market. This paper takes the project of "Yunshan Meisu" as an example. Under the guidance of relevant marketing theory, on the basis of analyzing the environment of real estate and Lianyungang city where the project is located, and through the analysis of market competition, the project itself is analyzed. Put forward the market orientation of the project and the overall marketing strategy recommendations.


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