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发布时间:2018-02-16 20:42

  本文关键词: 竣工结算 审计 工程量 因素 风险 出处:《中国科学院大学(中国科学院工程管理与信息技术学院)》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:In the process of completing the audit of the completion and settlement of the real estate project, the construction enterprise is always due to the lack of experience of the settlement personnel, which results in less calculation of the amount of the project, missing items on the list and missing items in the list, and imperfect data for submission to the audit. The continuous emergence of problems such as the settlement personnel do not communicate with the internal auditors and the external auditors actively and effectively, thus affecting the final results of the final settlement audit and losing the fundamental interests of the construction enterprises. It causes irreparable economic losses to construction enterprises. Based on the above problems, this paper combines qualitative analysis with quantitative analysis from the perspective of construction enterprises, through the actual cases in which the author participates and a large number of relevant materials, documents and so on. This paper studies the influencing factors in the process of completing the audit of the completion and settlement of the real estate project in the construction enterprise. The main work accomplished is as follows: (1) the related theories of the audit are summarized. Let the construction enterprise realize what is the real estate project completed settlement audit. 2) through the author's participation in the actual case and consult a large number of relevant materials, documents, etc. By combing the key contents and process of the completion audit of the real estate project, it is found that the construction enterprise has some typical problems in the process of completing the audit of the completion of the settlement of the real estate project. Summing up the influencing factors. (3) using the questionnaire method to get the first and second grade indexes of the influencing factors in the process of completing the audit of the completion and settlement of the real estate project in the construction enterprise. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is used to analyze and sort it. (4) aiming at the problems analyzed above and combining the four influential factors, the audit management system of the completion settlement of the construction enterprise is established. It points out the concrete direction for the domestic construction enterprises to complete the audit of completion and settlement in the future, and has important reference significance.


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