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发布时间:2018-02-21 00:00

  本文关键词: 房地产 东营 竞争战略 整体成本领先/差异化战略 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经过近30年的发展,房地产市场越来越成熟,市场规模不断扩大,中国房地产业的发展已经进入了一个全新的发展阶段。随之而来的,房地产企业之间的竞争也越来越激烈。 作为关乎民生的产业,房地产业可谓与民众息息相关。由于过去一段时间敏感的房价问题,国家纷纷出台各种调控政策,从政治、金融、税收等方面对房地产行业进行调控,对房地产企业影响巨大。随着调控的层层加码,房地产企业尤其是大型房地产企业正迅速从受调控影响较大的一二线城市转战三线城市,希望从三线城市寻找利润点。三线城市成为大量房产资本竞逐的战场,有限的空间竞争日趋激烈。房地产企业如何在有限的竞争空间里获得竞争优势和利润,成为摆在每一个进军三线城市房地产企业面前的重大课题。同时,进入21世纪以来,房地产市场竞争也呈现出顾客个性化需求等新的特点。如何在激烈的市场环境中找到自己的特色并经营好,也成为摆在每个房地产企业面前的一个迫切问题。 山东天业恒基股份有限公司成立于1999年,是山东省首家房地产上市公司,是一家发展中的区域性房地产企业。根据公司长期规划,确定以山东为根据地进行全省区域布局。目前,公司在山东省内多地已开发多处楼盘,并取得了良好业绩。自2007年进军三线城市东营以来,公司既要与本土大型房地产企业如众成地产、胜宏置业竞争,又要面对众多潜在竞争者威胁。本文认为,由于东营房地产市场的主要竞争对手或在规模、资金、成本,或在本地化方面占据优势,而天业地产依托上市公司品牌,融资能力较强,且有一批优秀的团队,房地产开发经验丰富,在东营的发展战略选择上,应博采众长,采取整体成本领先/差异化战略。天业地产的整体成本领先/差异化战略主要包括以下两点:一是产品标准化、流程化,高效生产产品;二是为客户提供优质的、差异化的产品和服务。为了保证整体成本领先/差异化战略的顺利实施,天业地产的具体保障措施包括:一是建立与战略相协调的组织机构;二是加强标准化、流程化建设,减小差异化成本;三是为客户提供优质的、差异化的产品和服务。 本文以三线城市——东营作为研究实例,管窥一豹,分析三线城市房地产现状及发展趋势,此课题不仅具有政策指导意义,而且具有较强实践意义。
[Abstract]:After nearly 30 years of development, the real estate market is more and more mature, the market scale is expanding, the development of China's real estate industry has entered a new stage of development, followed by the competition between real estate enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. As an industry related to people's livelihood, the real estate industry is closely related to the public. As a result of the sensitive housing price issue in the past period, the state has introduced a variety of regulatory policies to regulate the real estate industry from the political, financial, tax and other aspects. The impact on real estate enterprises is enormous. With the layers of regulation and control, real estate enterprises, especially large real estate enterprises, are rapidly switching from the first and second tier cities, which are greatly affected by the regulation and control, to the third tier cities. I hope to look for profit points from third-tier cities. Third tier cities have become the battlefields for a lot of real estate capital competition, and the limited space competition is becoming more and more intense. How can real estate enterprises obtain competitive advantages and profits in the limited competitive space? It has become a major issue in front of every real estate enterprise in third-tier cities. At the same time, since 21th century, The competition of real estate market also presents new characteristics such as customer's individualized demand. How to find its own characteristics and manage well in the fierce market environment has also become an urgent problem in front of every real estate enterprise. Established in 1999, Shandong Tianye Hengji Co., Ltd. is the first listed real estate company in Shandong Province. It is a developing regional real estate company. To determine the regional layout of the province based on Shandong. At present, the company has developed many properties in many places in Shandong Province, and has made good achievements. Since 2007, it has moved into Dongying, a third-tier city, The company not only competes with local large real estate enterprises such as Zhongcheng Real Estate, Shenghong Real Estate, but also faces the threat of many potential competitors. This paper believes that because of the main competitors of Dongying real estate market or in the scale, capital, cost, Or in localization, and Tianye Real Estate relies on the listed company brand, has strong financing ability, and has a group of excellent team, the real estate development experience is rich, in the Dongying development strategy choice, should adopt the masses to be strong, Adopt the overall cost leading / differentiation strategy. The overall cost leading / differentiation strategy of Tianye Real Estate mainly includes the following two points: first, product standardization, process, efficient production of products; second, to provide customers with quality, In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the overall cost leading / differentiation strategy, the specific safeguards for Tianye Real Estate include: first, to establish an organization coordinated with the strategy; and second, to strengthen standardization and process construction, Reduce the cost of differentiation; third, to provide customers with quality, differentiated products and services. This paper takes the third line city-Dongying as the research example, takes a look at a leopard, analyzes the present situation and the development trend of the real estate of the third line city, this topic not only has the policy guidance significance, but also has the strong practice significance.


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