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发布时间:2018-02-21 19:13

  本文关键词: 房地产 住宅项目 全过程质量管理 出处:《对外经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the real estate industry has stepped into the silver era, the market environment is overflowing, the competition is becoming more and more intense, and the customers' demand for the products is becoming more and more high. The real estate developers have gradually returned to their own products by going to their extensive business models. Therefore, creating high-quality products is the realistic requirement of real estate development projects. Many benchmark real estate development projects have taken customer demand as the starting point and greatly expanded the process of product quality control. From the previous stage of construction to the conceptual design of product, the stage of product quality demand, the stage of extending back to the stage of operation management and quality maintenance of delivery products. This paper is based on a large residential real estate development project. Firstly, the theory of the whole process quality management of the real estate development project is expounded; secondly, the application of the whole process quality management in the decision-making stage, the preparation stage, the implementation stage and the closing stage of the residential real estate development project is studied. The application benefit of the whole process quality management in the residential real estate development project is analyzed and evaluated objectively. The application practice shows that the whole process quality management of the real estate development project can make a reasonable product orientation in the decision-making stage of the project. Develop project plan and quality target; optimize project plan and design drawing in project preparation stage, improve product design quality, lay the foundation of project precision quality; make project implementation phase create a high quality market, Customer approved engineering products, to achieve project quality improvement, so that the end of the project to establish standardized management, quality service project brand image and corporate reputation, At the same time, it can also promote the sale and rapid deoxidation of project products. The research results of this paper can sum up a set of practical methods suitable for the quality management and product quality improvement of the development projects belonging to the electric power construction enterprises, and at the same time, create the product competitiveness for other newly built projects. Improving the profitability of the project provides theoretical basis and experience support for project quality management, and provides a reference for the implementation of the whole process of enterprise internal promotion and application of quality management.


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