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发布时间:2018-02-21 19:41

  本文关键词: 通钢集团 钢管行业 发展战略 直缝焊管 出处:《吉林大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:“十一五期间”,随着重点用管行业如能源、交通、房地产、钢结构、汽车以及轨道交通等产业的迅猛发展,国内钢管产业得到极大膨胀,钢管产量以年均15.69%的增速快速发展,2010年中国的钢管总产量为5765万吨,,比2005年的2781万吨增加了2984万吨,增长107.30%。在钢管产量持续递增的同时,产品结构的调整也取得了明显效果,对下游相关行业尤其是对能源行业的发展的发挥了巨大的支撑作用,但也暴露出产能严重过剩、产业集中度低、市场竞争加剧、企业盈利逐年下降等诸多矛盾。 在过去的10年内,我国的无缝钢管产量迅速扩大,品种结构不断优化,使得其高端产品居于市场领先地位;焊管产量增长速度大于无缝钢管产量增长速度,焊管中ERW管在产量上占主导地位,并在各领域向无缝钢管的市场逼进,同时在中小直径的油气长输管线和城市燃气管线领域内向埋弧焊管的市场逼进。随着热轧带卷的迅速发展和焊接技术、探伤设备的进步,迅速崛起的焊管产业已经与无缝钢管和埋弧焊管产业形成了新一轮竞争态势。 因为直缝焊管机组具有投资少、见效快的特点,进入21世纪,全国各地特别是民营企业直缝焊管机组在短时间内的大量上马,导致了焊管行业产能的迅速膨胀,使得焊管行业效益捉襟见肘。由于通钢吉林焊管公司工艺装备和工艺布置不尽合理,产成品结构水平较低,虽然拥有10万吨左右的装备设计产能,但仅仅释放了不足50%。如此低的产量再加上焊管行业较低的盈利水平,使通钢吉林焊管始终未能摆脱亏损局面。进入“十二五”期间,中国直缝焊管行业呈现出产能分布不均衡、产品结构不合理和产品档次低、产能过剩的结构特点。这给焊管行业企业也包括通钢吉林焊管带来了一个新的课题:如何继续按照企业现有模式发展,因为其产品档次和产品结构已经不能完全适应行业发展要求。但是如果作出调整,那又要以什么作为依据才是最合理? 因此,本文运用企业战略管理与市场营销等相关理论,根据国内“十一五”期间焊管实际产量及机组产能情况,对“十二五”期间焊管行业发展情况进行预测。通过重点对东北地区的焊管企业及市场的分析,并根据通钢集团吉林市焊管有限责任公司目前技术装备、生产工艺、人员结构情况,运用优劣分析法,就企业参与市场竞争的优势和不利因素进行了深刻分析,确定了通钢集团吉林市焊管有限责任公司在“十二五”期间的战略目标,并制定了一套适应通钢集团吉林市焊管有限责任公司的战略目标实施方案。
[Abstract]:During the 11th Five-Year Plan period, with the rapid development of key industries such as energy, transportation, real estate, steel structure, automobile and rail transit, the domestic steel pipe industry has been greatly expanded. The steel pipe output has developed rapidly at an average annual growth rate of 15.69% tons. In 2010, the total steel pipe output in China was 57.65 million tons, up 29.84 million tons from 27.81 million tons in 2005, an increase of 107.300.At the same time that the steel pipe output continues to increase, the adjustment of the product structure has also achieved remarkable results. It plays a great supporting role in the development of downstream related industries, especially the energy industry, but it also exposes many contradictions, such as serious overcapacity, low industrial concentration, intensified market competition, and declining profit year by year. In the past 10 years, the output of seamless steel pipe in China has expanded rapidly and the variety structure has been optimized constantly, which makes its high-end products take the leading position in the market, and the output growth rate of welded pipe is faster than that of seamless steel pipe. In the welded pipe, ERW pipe is dominant in production, and in every field, the market of seamless steel pipe will be pushed forward. At the same time, the market of submerged arc welded pipe is approaching in the field of long distance oil and gas pipeline and city gas pipeline with medium and small diameters. With the rapid development of hot rolled strip coil and welding technology, the equipment of flaw detection is progressing. The rapid rise of welded pipe industry has formed a new round of competition with seamless steel pipe and submerged arc welded pipe industry. Since the straight-welded pipe machine has the characteristics of less investment and quick effect, in 21th century, a large number of straight-welded pipe units in all parts of the country, especially in private enterprises, were launched in a short period of time, resulting in the rapid expansion of the production capacity of the welded pipe industry. Because of the unreasonable process equipment and process arrangement of Jilin Pipe Welding Company of Tonggang, the structure level of finished product is low, although it has about 100,000 tons of equipment design capacity. However, only less than 50% was released. Such a low output, coupled with the relatively low profit level of the welded pipe industry, made the Jilin welded pipe of Tonggang always lose money. During the "12th Five-Year Plan" period, China's straight-welded pipe industry showed an uneven distribution of production capacity. The structural characteristics of unreasonable product structure, low product grade and overcapacity have brought a new topic to welded pipe industry enterprises, including Jilin welded pipe of Tonggang: how to continue to develop according to the existing enterprise model, Because its product grade and product structure can not fully adapt to the requirements of industry development. But if the adjustment, then what is the basis for the most reasonable? Therefore, based on the relevant theories of enterprise strategic management and marketing, according to the actual production of welded pipe and the capacity of the unit during the 11th Five-Year Plan period in China, This paper forecasts the development of welded pipe industry during the 12th Five-Year Plan period. Through the analysis of the welded pipe enterprises and markets in Northeast China, and according to the present technical equipment and production process of Jilin City welded Pipe Co., Ltd of Tonggang Group, Based on the personnel structure, the advantages and disadvantages of participating in the market competition are deeply analyzed, and the strategic objectives of Jilin City welded Pipe Co., Ltd. Of Tonggang Group during the 12th Five-Year Plan period are determined. A set of strategic target implementation scheme for Jilin City welded Pipe Co., Ltd.


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