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发布时间:2018-02-21 19:51

  本文关键词: 国际工程总承包 俄罗市场拓展 中国二十二冶 出处:《河北工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:国际工程总承包是一个跨行业、跨地域,具有多种模式的业务,中国工程公司作为重要的新兴力量已正式步入国际工程承包领域。国际工程承包业务遍及基础设施建设、各类工厂建设、制造业、民用建筑等行业。国际工程承包业务模式涵盖综合运营项目(EPC、BT、BOT、PPP等)、融资咨询设计、工程项目施工管理及实施等多种模式。随着中国企业不断拓展国际工程承包业务,俄罗斯正逐步成为中国工程承包企业的重要市场。商务部资料显示:2013年第一季度,中俄两国签署工程承包合同共4.6亿美元,增长39.4%,同期完成营业额共2.3亿美元。 中国二十二冶作为国内知名的国际工程承包商,,旗下有四大业务板块:工程总承包、房地产开发、装备制造、资源开发。随着国际业务的拓展,中国二十二冶2009年开始正式进入俄罗斯市场,并相继承接了俄罗斯多个大型工程项目,成为俄罗斯工程承包市场上中国企业的主要力量。但在拓展俄罗斯市场的过程中,二十二冶也存在着一些不足,本文在这一基础上研究工程总承包业务如何拓展俄罗斯市场。 本文首先介绍了论文研究背景、内容、研究思路方法、研究意义,并介绍了论文写作中用到的相关理论。其次介绍中国二十二冶概况,分别介绍了公司的基本信息,组织机构,公司近年的主营业务数据、业务构成及业务发展情况,并重点介绍了中国二十二冶工程总承包业务。再次论文阐述了工程总承包业务俄罗斯市场拓展现状及存在的问题,说明公司工程总承包业务海外市场拓展战略,并说明工程总承包业务俄罗斯市场拓展现状,分析在市场拓展中存在的问题。进而进行环境分析,分别论述了中俄两国工程项目合作情况、俄罗斯市场宏观环境分析、竞争分析、公司开拓俄罗斯市场的SWOT分析。宏观环境分析了政策、经济、科技三大环境。俄罗斯市场工程承包业务竞争分析包括俄罗斯建筑工程承包和冶金工业市场情况介绍、市场份额及主要竞争对手、俄罗斯工程承包业务市场竞争情况。在SWOT分析中分别就公司和竞争对手相比的优势和劣势,外部机会和威胁进行论述。最后论文给出了采用集中成本领先战略、工程项目公司化运作、合理不平衡报价策略、寻求与大型工程承包商合作等俄罗斯市场拓展建议,是对整篇论文的总结。
[Abstract]:International Engineering General Contracting is a cross-industry, cross-regional, multi-mode business. As an important emerging force, Chinese engineering companies have formally stepped into the field of international engineering contracting. The international engineering contracting business covers infrastructure construction. Various industries such as factory construction, manufacturing, civil construction, etc. The international project contracting business model covers integrated operation projects, such as EPC, BTX, BOTPPP and so on, financing consulting design, As Chinese enterprises continue to expand their international engineering contracting business, Russia is gradually becoming an important market for Chinese engineering contractors. Ministry of Commerce data show: in the first quarter of 2013, China and Russia signed contracts for projects worth $460 million, up 39.4 percent, and completed turnover of $230 million over the same period. As a well-known international engineering contractor in China, China's 22 Metallurgical Company has four major business sectors: general contracting, real estate development, equipment manufacturing, and resource development. In 2009, China began to formally enter the Russian market, and has successively undertaken a number of large projects in Russia, which has become the main force of Chinese enterprises in the Russian engineering contracting market. However, in the process of expanding the Russian market, There are also some shortcomings in 22 smelter. Based on this, this paper studies how to expand the Russian market. This paper first introduces the research background, content, research methods, research significance, and introduces the relevant theories used in the paper writing. Secondly, it introduces the general situation of China 22 Metallurgical Corporation, and introduces the basic information of the company, respectively. Organization, company's main business data, business composition and business development in recent years, It also introduces the general contracting business of 22 metallurgical projects in China. Thirdly, the paper expounds the current situation and existing problems of the general contracting business in Russia, and explains the strategy of overseas market development of the general contracting business of engineering projects of the company. It also explains the current situation of the development of the Russian market, analyzes the problems existing in the development of the market, and then carries on the environmental analysis, respectively discusses the cooperation of the engineering projects between China and Russia, and analyzes the macro environment of the Russian market. Competition analysis, SWOT analysis of the company's development of the Russian market. Macro environment analysis of the policy, economy, and science and technology. The analysis of the competition of the Russian market for engineering contracting business includes the Russian construction engineering contracting and metallurgical industry market situation. Market share and main competitors, the market competition of Russian engineering contracting business. In the SWOT analysis, the advantages and disadvantages of the company compared with its competitors, Finally, the paper gives some suggestions on the development of the Russian market, such as centralized cost leading strategy, project corporatization, reasonable unbalanced quotation strategy, cooperation with large engineering contractors and so on. It is a summary of the whole paper.


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