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发布时间:2018-02-21 22:57

  本文关键词: 预告登记 比较法 制度缺陷 立法建议 出处:《吉林财经大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在商品房预售买卖过程中,房地产开发商为了赚取更多的利益,,先后与两个买受人签订买卖合同,同时卖给两个买受人。但是就同一房屋为标的两个买卖合同,开发商只能完全履行其中一个,而另一买受人仅能要求房地产开发商请求损害赔偿,此时买受人的合法权益就无法得到保障,使得买受人对交易缺乏足够的信赖。缺乏相互信任的交易,实际上是增加了交易成本,同时又降低了消费者购买欲望,最终必将危害整个交易的安全以及降低交易效率。 本文内容分为四个部分。第一部分对预告登记进行概述,预告登记经过在普鲁士的发源与演变,最终成为德国物权法上的一项重要制度,并为其他一些大陆法系国家或地区的立法所借鉴。为了较为确切地界定我国预告登记的概念和特征,有必要将其与诸如异议登记、本登记、担保物权等相近概念加以区分。 第二部分从预告登记的法律性质,功能,客体,效力四个角度进行理论研究。预告登记的法律性质,学术界尚存在一些争议。目前,物权说、准物权说、债权说、债权物权化学说,系较为常见和有影响的观点。本文将预告登记界定为一种保障债权实现的特殊担保方式,而经过预告登记的债权则因为获得了对抗效力而成为一种特殊的债权。 文章第三部分对德国、瑞士、日本以及我国台湾地区的预告登记立法现状进行简要的介绍,阐明这些国家或地区的预告登记制度如何与相关制度相互衔接,以及它在实践中的具体适用。 第四部分以预告登记在实践中的运用为背景,对预告登记制度的适用范围,效力,发生条件等问题进行思考,分析制度设计的缺陷和不足,提出解决方法并且完善预告登记制度。
[Abstract]:In the course of pre-sale of commercial housing, in order to earn more benefits, real estate developers have successively signed sales contracts with two buyers and sold them to two buyers at the same time. The developer can only fully fulfill one of them, while the other buyer can only request damages from the real estate developer, so the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer cannot be protected. In fact, the lack of mutual trust will increase the transaction cost and at the same time reduce the consumers' desire to buy, which will ultimately endanger the security of the whole transaction and reduce the transaction efficiency. The content of this paper is divided into four parts. The first part is an overview of notice registration, which, after its origin and evolution in Prussia, has finally become an important system in German property law. In order to define the concept and characteristics of advance notice registration in China, it is necessary to distinguish it from similar concepts such as dissent registration, this registration, security interest and so on. The second part carries on the theoretical research from the legal nature, the function, the object and the validity of the notice registration. The legal nature of the notice registration is still controversial in the academic circles. At present, the theory of real right, the theory of quasi-real right, the theory of creditor's rights, The chemical theory of real right of creditor's rights is a relatively common and influential viewpoint. This paper defines notice registration as a special way to guarantee the realization of creditor's rights. The claims registered by the notice became a special kind of creditor's rights because of the countervailing effect. The third part of the article briefly introduces the current situation of the legislation of advance notice registration in Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Taiwan, and expounds how the notice registration system of these countries or regions connects with the relevant systems. And its application in practice. In the 4th part, based on the application of advance notice registration in practice, the author thinks about the scope of application, the effectiveness and the conditions of occurrence of the notice registration system, and analyzes the defects and shortcomings of the system design. Propose solutions and improve the advance registration system.


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