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发布时间:2018-02-23 07:43

  本文关键词: 绿城 财务分析 宏微观因素分析 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国房地产行业自改革开放以来得到了迅猛的发展,并且在未来的日子里也有着强大的潜力和增长势头。回顾房地产业的发展历史,它一直与整个国家的经济建设和人民群众的日常生活紧密关联,与此同时,行业竞争的激烈程度也非其他行业能比。在最近十年内,一些老牌的房地产企业显示疲态,有种步履蹒跚的趋势;整个行业的年增长率虽始终保持着较高的增速,但房地产上市公司的净资产收益率的均值却一直呈现下滑的趋势。部分房地产企业至今还在摸索中前进,在支付高额代价的同时吸取经验教训寻求发展出路,上演着“今日辉煌,明日灭亡”的悲剧。 本文运用财务分析方法,对绿城房地产的财务数据进行分析。文章首先系统详细的介绍了房地产行业的特点及行业影响因素,具体从地位、特征以及我国房地产的总体特性出发,,接下来通过绿城房地产2007-2011年的财务报表进行分析,充分运用财务分析的相关理论进行归类统计,并通过对比同样在港股上市的华润置地和龙湖地产在同一时期的数据,从财务结构、盈利能力、成长能力、经营效率、偿债能力和现金流量等几方面层层剖析,观察企业在运营过程中可能存在的问题,找出其与同行业其他公司之间存在的差距;最后在数据分析的基础上,分析公司财务问题产生的原因,并对公司未来的发展战略提出建议。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry in China has developed rapidly since the reform and opening up, and it also has strong potential and growth momentum in the days to come. Review the history of the development of the real estate industry, It has always been closely related to the economic construction of the whole country and the daily life of the people. At the same time, the intensity of competition in the industry is not comparable to that of other industries. In the last decade, some established real estate enterprises have shown fatigue. There is a faltering trend; the annual growth rate of the entire industry has maintained a high growth rate, but the average return on net assets of listed real estate companies has been declining. Some real estate companies are still groping ahead. At the same time, learning from experience and lessons to find a way out of development, the tragedy of "brilliant today and perishing tomorrow" is staged. This article uses the financial analysis method, carries on the analysis to the green city real estate financial data. Firstly, the article introduces the real estate industry characteristic and the industry influence factor in detail, from the position concretely, Starting from the characteristics of China's real estate and the overall characteristics of real estate in China, then through the financial statements of Green City Real Estate 2007-2011 to make full use of the relevant theory of financial analysis to classify statistics. And by comparing the data of China Resources Land and Longhu Real Estate, which are also listed in Hong Kong stocks, in the same period, from the financial structure, profitability, growth capacity, operating efficiency, solvency and cash flow, etc. Observe the problems that may exist in the operation of enterprises, find out the gap between them and other companies in the same industry; finally, on the basis of data analysis, analyze the causes of financial problems, And to the company's future development strategy put forward suggestions.


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1 李心合;蔡蕾;;公司财务分析:框架与超越[J];财经问题研究;2006年10期




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