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发布时间:2018-02-23 18:47

  本文关键词: 财务管理系统 软件设计 SSH J2EE 出处:《北京工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现代企业竞争不是单一企业之间的竞争,而是企业供应链之间的竞争,财务作为维持企业这条供应链的血液和命脉[1],一直以来是企业的战略规划所借助的依据,而且随着企业的发展,庞大的财务体系、复杂的企业业务所产生的海量数据以及随着而来的复杂的财会计算等,都是企业发展中着重需要解决的问题;财务管理系统的提出和设计也随着信息技术的发展应用而逐步发展和完善。 随着信息系统的大力应用,复杂的财务业务最初被融合在企业的OA系统中,用来辅助整个企业的业务运行,随着现代社会经济的发展,资金的流动和有效管理严重影响到企业在行业竞争中的地位,独立的财务管理系统可以将复杂的财务业务和财务计算可视化和简单化,同时给企业战略决策提供详细的数据支持;本文就北京经开公司的财务现状和特点结合现代财务管理系统的实现技术实现一个架构简洁、业务齐全的财务管理系统。 在结构上,首先本文结合我所在的公司性质,对房地产业务的财务管理现状进行调研分析,总结出目前房地产行业财务管理系统在应用中的缺陷和弊端,同时指出本文所研究的系统的实用性和意义。其次对房地产财务管理系统的数据管理、统计分析以及业务流程管理需求进行分析总结。再次,结合财务管理方面的知识和软件工程设计知识,将系统分为六大模块,将与财务业务有关的诸如筹资管理、投资管理、运营管理、分配管理以及财务预测、财务决策、财务控制和财务分析评价等整合到系统中,形成一个功能上独立,结构上松耦合的软件系统。在系统基础数据支持中为适应与政策相关的财务数据变化这一特点,,设立了数据字典模块,使得系统升级更急灵活。 在实现技术上,本文设计实现的财务管理系统基于J2EE技术,以目前流行的SSH框架做后台架构,前台实现采用Ajax、JQuery等web技术。另外,系统的审批流程采用JBPM工作流实现,并根据实际使用情况增加回退、驳回的操作;系统的相关报表、图表通过Jfreechart来设计实现。在数据安全性传输方面,采用MD5加密算法,同时考虑了SQL注入漏洞等提高系统的安全性。 目前,该系统已经在企业中运用,达到了预期的设计目标。
[Abstract]:The competition of modern enterprises is not the competition among single enterprises, but the competition between supply chains of enterprises. Finance, as the blood and lifeline of maintaining the supply chain of enterprises, has always been the basis of the strategic planning of enterprises. And with the development of the enterprise, the huge financial system, the massive data generated by the complex business and the complicated accounting calculation are all the problems that need to be solved in the development of the enterprise. With the development and application of information technology, the development and improvement of financial management system. With the vigorous application of information system, the complex financial business is initially integrated into the OA system of the enterprise, which is used to assist the operation of the whole enterprise, and with the development of modern society and economy, The flow of funds and effective management seriously affect the position of enterprises in the competition in the industry. Independent financial management systems can visualize and simplify complex financial operations and financial calculations. At the same time, it provides detailed data support for enterprise strategic decision. This paper implements a financial management system with simple structure and complete business on the basis of the financial status and characteristics of Beijing Jingkai Company combined with the realization technology of modern financial management system. In terms of structure, first of all, combining with the nature of my company, this paper investigates and analyzes the present situation of financial management in real estate business, and summarizes the defects and drawbacks of the current financial management system in real estate industry. At the same time, it points out the practicability and significance of the system studied in this paper. Secondly, the data management, statistical analysis and business process management requirements of the real estate financial management system are analyzed and summarized. Based on the knowledge of financial management and software engineering design, the system is divided into six modules, such as financing management, investment management, operation management, distribution management, financial forecasting and financial decision making. Financial control and financial analysis and evaluation are integrated into the system to form a functionally independent and structurally loosely coupled software system. Set up a data dictionary module, make the system upgrade more rapid and flexible. In terms of implementation technology, the financial management system designed and implemented in this paper is based on J2EE technology, with the current popular SSH framework as the backstage framework, and the foreground implementation uses web technology such as Ajax JQuery. In addition, the approval process of the system is implemented by JBPM workflow. And according to the actual use of the increase back, reject the operation; system related reports, charts through Jfreechart to design. In terms of data security transmission, using MD5 encryption algorithm, At the same time, the SQL injection vulnerability is considered to improve the security of the system. At present, the system has been used in the enterprise, to achieve the desired design objectives.


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