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发布时间:2018-02-25 01:35

  本文关键词: 房地产市场 泡沫 调控 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产业是国民经济一个不可或缺的重要组成部分,而房地产市场的兴衰不单止关乎到国民经济的好坏,同时亦影响到国民生活的基本要求。因此,房地产市场的可持续发展不单对社会发展产生深远的影响,同时亦影响着人们的日常生活。 澳门地少人多,其人口密度位处全球之最,因而土地的开发及利用与人民的生活息息相关。自从澳门于1999年12月20日回归以来,经济不断发展,人均GDP一年比一年高,人民生活的质数亦越来越好。加上澳门人口的增加,因此对房屋的需求亦不断上升,带动房地产市场的价格自回归以来一直不断上扬。针对不断上涨的房地产市场价格,澳门特别行政区政府先后推出多项措施加以调控。然而成效未如理想。因此再次唤醒各界对澳门房地产市场泡沫的关注。 本文主要通过介绍澳门房地产市场的特点,针对回归后部分主要影响澳门房地产市场价格的因素作定性分析。并以不同的衡量房地产市场泡沫的指标对澳门房地产市场的泡沫状况进行分析。得出目前澳门房地产市场当前的泡沫状况。 另外,亦对澳门特别行政区政府就房地产市场的价格上升所作出的调控进行详细的阐述。通过以上分析,提出一些针对澳门房地产市场的调控建议。
[Abstract]:The real estate industry is an indispensable part of the national economy, and the rise and fall of the real estate market is not only related to the quality of the national economy, but also to the basic requirements of national life. The sustainable development of real estate market not only has a profound impact on social development, but also affects people's daily life. Macao has few people and has the highest population density in the world. Therefore, the development and utilization of land is closely related to the people's livelihood. Since Macao's return to China in December 20th 1999, the economy has been developing continuously, and the per capita GDP per capita has been increasing year by year. The number of people living in prime conditions is also getting better and better. With the increase in Macao's population, the demand for housing has also been rising. The prices of the real estate market have been rising continuously since the return of the motherland. In view of the rising prices of the real estate market, The Macao Special Administrative region government has introduced a number of measures to control the situation. However, the results have not been satisfactory. Therefore, the attention of all circles to the bubble of the Macao real estate market has been aroused once again. This paper mainly introduces the characteristics of Macao real estate market, Based on the qualitative analysis of the factors that affect the prices of Macao real estate market after the return of China, this paper analyzes the bubble situation of Macao real estate market by using different indexes to measure the bubble of the real estate market. The current bubble state of the real estate market. In addition, the regulation and control made by the Macao Special Administrative region Government on the price rise of the real estate market are elaborated in detail. Through the above analysis, some suggestions for the regulation and control of the Macao real estate market are put forward.


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