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发布时间:2018-02-27 07:26

  本文关键词: 老年社区住宅 开发运营模式 商业计划 出处:《华南理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:This business plan mainly studies the original hometown project, the mode of the development and construction of the elderly community. Through the analysis of the background and significance of the project, the development and construction model, the marketing mode, the analysis, organization and implementation of the plan, economic evaluation, Financial and risk analysis, on the one hand, provides sufficient information for project investors and financing, and, on the other hand, can be implemented in a planned and systematic manner for future development and construction activities of the project, The project is a real estate development project and an aging silver hair industry project. It uses non-public social resources to participate in the development of the aged silver hair industry by using the market operation model. That is, through the development and construction of real estate projects for the elderly, with high-quality social pension and value-added services, By end of 2013, the elderly population over 60 years old in our country has accounted for 14. 3% of the total population, about 194 million people, and is growing rapidly at a rate of 3% per year. This is the elderly community and its supporting equipment. Service related industries have brought great opportunities for development. The core product of the original hometown project is to build a high-quality pension theme community. Equipped with perfect facilities and specialized medical, nursing and community service systems to bring happiness and happiness to the elderly, the original hometown is to be located in Cuiyue Town, Dujiangyan City, sub-urban center of Chengdu, Sichuan Province. The project covers an area of more than 5,250mu, with a proposed area of 2.2 million square meters, consisting of villas, apartments for the elderly, standard golf courses, five-star country hotels, five-star hospitals for the elderly, sports clubs, schools, commercial streets, research institutes for the elderly and cultural parks, Concert hall, artificial lake, special farm and so on. The total investment is about 9.76 billion RMB. After the project is completed, 14400 elderly households can be provided with housing units, and about 6,000 jobs will be created at the same time. It can make the economic and social benefits of the project win-win.


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