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发布时间:2018-02-27 18:16

  本文关键词: 城镇化 房地产业 协调发展 出处:《重庆大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:现阶段重庆市城镇化和房地产业的发展水平都较低,处于快速发展阶段,在国务院全国统筹城乡综合配套改革实施的背景下,重庆市城镇化的潜力和发展空间十分巨大,房地产业也将继续处于快速发展中。因此,本文从区域角度研究城镇化与房地产业的互动关系,对于推动重庆市城镇化进程和房地产业发展,拉动经济增长具有重要意义。 本文以重庆市当前城镇化和房地产业现状为背景,从城镇化和房地产业的基本概念、发展历程着手,在对国内外关于城镇化和房地产业及其互动关系的理论研究成果进行文献综述的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,对城镇化与房地产业的相互作用机制进行深入分析,构建重庆市城镇化与房地产业作用机制的理论模型。在此理论分析的基础上,以重庆市1996-2012年的数据为基础,采取城镇化率(UR)反映城镇化发展水平,地区生产总值(GDP)反映经济发展状况,房地产开发投资额(RI)反映房地产业发展情况,对该市城镇化和房地产业发展的相互关系通过Eviews软件进行了实证分析。研究结果表明:地区生产总值和房地产开发投资额与城镇化率有长期稳定的均衡关系,并且地区生产总值和房地产开发投资额是城镇化率的Granger原因,而城镇化率也是房地产开发投资额的Granger原因。从脉冲响应函数来看,对地区生产总值、城镇化率和房地产开发投资额其中一个变量一个单位的标准差冲击后,另外一个变量会做出正向的反应,相互之间会产生持久而稳定的作用。 针对以上结论,立足重庆市现状,深入分析制约城镇化与房地产业协调发展的因素,并提出完善城镇基础设施、制定科学合理的城镇发展规划、保持合理的城镇化与房地产业发展速度、走新型城镇化路线以及调整房地产产品供应结构等对策建议,以期为持续推动重庆市城镇化进程和房地产业健康发展提供理论依据和决策参考。
[Abstract]:At present, the development level of urbanization and real estate industry in Chongqing is relatively low, and it is in the rapid development stage. Under the background of the comprehensive reform of urban and rural areas coordinated by the State Council, the potential and development space of urbanization in Chongqing is very huge. Therefore, this paper studies the interactive relationship between urbanization and real estate industry from the regional perspective, which is of great significance to promote the process of urbanization and the development of real estate industry in Chongqing, and to stimulate economic growth. Based on the current situation of urbanization and real estate industry in Chongqing, this paper starts with the basic concepts of urbanization and real estate industry, and begins with the course of development. On the basis of literature review on the theoretical research results of urbanization, real estate industry and their interaction at home and abroad, combined with the actual situation in China, the interaction mechanism between urbanization and real estate industry is deeply analyzed. Based on the theoretical analysis of the mechanism of urbanization and real estate industry in Chongqing, the urbanization rate is adopted to reflect the development level of urbanization based on the data of Chongqing from 1996 to 2012. The gross domestic product (GDP) reflects the state of economic development, and the investment in real estate development reflects the development of the real estate industry. The relationship between urbanization and real estate development in the city is analyzed by Eviews software. The results show that there is a long and stable equilibrium relationship between regional GDP and investment in real estate development and urbanization rate. And the regional gross domestic product and the real estate development investment are the Granger reasons of the urbanization rate, and the urbanization rate is also the Granger reason of the real estate development investment. After one variable of urbanization rate and real estate investment, one unit of standard deviation impact, the other variable will make a positive response, each other will have a lasting and stable role. In view of the above conclusions, based on the present situation of Chongqing, the factors restricting the coordinated development of urbanization and real estate industry are deeply analyzed, and a scientific and reasonable urban development plan is proposed to perfect the urban infrastructure. To maintain a reasonable pace of urbanization and real estate development, to take a new urbanization route and to adjust the supply structure of real estate products, and so on. In order to continue to promote the urbanization process of Chongqing and the healthy development of real estate to provide theoretical basis and decision-making reference.


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