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发布时间:2018-02-28 04:40

  本文关键词: 房地产上市公司 债务来源结构 过度投资 出处:《内蒙古农业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The real estate industry is an important part of our economy. In the past two decades, real estate has made a positive contribution to the rapid economic development, urbanization and employment of our country. After 2001, with the gradual development of urbanization in China, the rigid demand for urban housing has been stimulated, and the prices of urban real estate in China have generally risen. It has created better opportunities for real estate investment profits and created speculative demand for real estate. In 2010, the government controlled the overheating of real estate investment through macro-control. In 2014, under the influence of the national economic downturn, the rigid demand for real estate weakened and house prices fell. Speculative demand for real estate is also gradually withdrawing. At present, the real estate industry in China is in a critical period of structural transformation. Through certain macroeconomic control policies, the contradiction between supply and demand is gradually eased. First and second tier cities have restrained overheated investment in real estate enterprises through higher land prices. Third and fourth tier cities have actively implemented the policy of destocking. Precisely because the development and changes of the real estate industry always affect the development and changes of the national economy, Therefore, it is of great significance to study the current investment situation of real estate enterprises, which has become a hot topic worth discussing in current academic circles. China's real estate industry is a capital-intensive industry, and its debt scale and debt ratio are very high. This makes the industry face a higher risk of bankruptcy, debt financing and investment behavior of enterprises have a certain relationship, debt financing can play a certain role in restraining the overinvestment of enterprises. Or some part of debt financing can play a certain role in overinvestment of enterprises. At present, most of the research in academic circles is on the impact of debt and debt maturity structure on overinvestment of enterprises. Therefore, this paper takes the real estate listed company as the research object, starts from the debt source structure angle, subdivides the debt source structure into the bank loan, the commercial credit. The commercial credit is divided into accounts payable and advance collection, and the effects of different debt source structure on overinvestment of listed real estate companies are discussed respectively. The causes of overinvestment and overinvestment at home and abroad are discussed in this paper. The research results of the relationship between debt and overinvestment are reviewed, the relevant theories are summarized, the characteristics of real estate investment in China and the performance of overinvestment are analyzed, and the research hypotheses are put forward. Based on the data of 116 real estate listed companies in China from 2012 to 2016, this paper builds a measurement model based on the expected investment model of Richardson, and tests the existence of overinvestment of China's listed real estate companies. Commercial credit can restrain overinvestment, but bank deposit can not restrain the overinvestment of enterprises. Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward that we should improve the diversified financing channels of listed real estate companies in our country. To strengthen the governance of debt financing to overinvestment in order to realize the healthy development of real estate investment.


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