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发布时间:2018-02-28 04:10

  本文关键词: 房地产项目 商业计划书 营销策略 财务分析 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:经过2010年开始的国家多轮严厉的房地产调控政策后,限购、限贷、房产税、保障性住房、监督问责等在楼市调控中发挥了积极作用,房地产市场的过热势头得到有效控制,中国楼市步入深度调整期,房地产市场已逐步走向成熟,消费者的购房心理也日趋理性,中国房地产发展进入一个全新阶段;如何面对激烈的竞争和挑战,在市场中获得先机和继续发展成为房地产开发商需要面对和解决的问题。而一份合理准确的商业计划书是房地产项目能否获得投资以及收益的关键,也是将来项目运作以及风险防范的需要。 本文立足于中国房地产的发展现状,以豪进公司LZDK项目商业计划为研究课题,,阐述了房地产商业计划中的主要内容以及运作流程。本文分为绪论、项目简介、项目环境及内部条件分析、项目市场定位和项目营销策略、项目经济效益预测及财务分析、项目风险及对策六个章节,采用大量数据信息,进行详细阐述、分析以及推理,正确分析项目的可行性,制定与之相应的商业策略。通过对项目投资、预期收入和内部收益率等数据进行财务分析后,从分析数据来看,本项目收益可观,抵御风险能力也比较强。只要控制好项目的品质,做好营销策划工作,本项目是能获得比较大的收益的。而且通过本项目的成功运作,也可以帮助豪进公司树立城市建设者的良好社会形象,具有良好的社会效益,与公司在房地产行业的战略发展定位相一致。 本文旨在给豪进公司LZDK项目开发提供决策信息,对豪进公司LZDK项目开发真正发挥指导作用,更好地打造房地产品牌效应,迎合市场需求,提高经济收益;也通过豪进公司LZDK项目商业计划书,房地产商业计划理论与实践相互印证,使项目最终成功运作。通过认真严谨的分析后,最后得出结论,认为本项目是可行的。
[Abstract]:After several rounds of strict real estate regulation and control policies began in 2010, the purchase restriction, loan restriction, property tax, affordable housing, supervision and accountability have played an active role in the regulation and control of the real estate market, and the overheating momentum of the real estate market has been effectively controlled. China's real estate market has entered a period of deep adjustment, the real estate market has gradually matured, and consumers' psychology of buying houses is becoming more and more rational. China's real estate development has entered a new stage, and how to face the fierce competition and challenges, Getting the first chance in the market and continuing to develop becomes the problem that real estate developers have to face and solve. And a reasonable and accurate business plan is the key to the investment and income of real estate projects. It is also the need of future project operation and risk prevention. Based on the development of Chinese real estate, this paper discusses the main content and operation process of the LZDK project business plan of Haojin Company, which is divided into introduction, project brief, and so on. Project environment and internal condition analysis, project market positioning and project marketing strategy, project economic benefit prediction and financial analysis, project risk and countermeasures, using a large number of data information, detailed elaboration, analysis and reasoning, Correctly analyze the feasibility of the project, formulate the corresponding business strategy. Through the financial analysis of the project investment, expected income and internal rate of return, from the analysis of the data, the project income is considerable. The ability to resist risks is also strong. As long as the quality of the project is controlled and the marketing planning is done, the project can obtain relatively large profits. And through the successful operation of the project, It can also help Haojin Company to set up a good social image of urban builders, with good social benefits, in line with the company's strategic development position in the real estate industry. The purpose of this paper is to provide decision-making information for the LZDK project development of Haojin Company, to give guidance to the LZDK project development of Haojin Company, to better create the real estate brand effect, to meet the needs of the market, and to increase the economic benefits. Also through Haojin LZDK project business plan, real estate business plan theory and practice mutually prove each other, make the project finally successful operation. After careful and rigorous analysis, finally come to the conclusion that this project is feasible.


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