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发布时间:2018-02-28 08:32

  本文关键词: 商业地产 选址 层次分析法 出处:《东华大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:At present, under the new normal economic development of our country, commercial real estate development has gradually transitioned from extensive barbaric growth to a stable development stage relying on scientific management. The scientific and reasonable selection of the site is directly related to the profitability of the project. Therefore, the importance of the location selection is even more prominent. Hundreds of millions of groups is a medium-sized real estate development enterprise in China. Its commercial real estate chain, known as "Yifeng Times Square," plans to expand the number of stores in first-tier cities such as Shanghai over the next few years, as the company has few cases in first-tier cities. The application of the related location theory is relatively lacking, so the project location has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently. This paper aims at solving the location problem of Yifeng Times Square, aiming at the situation of the industry. This paper, based on the difficulties encountered in practical work, is devoted to solving practical problems by combining theoretical knowledge with work experience. This paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is "introduction", which describes the background, significance and content of the research, relevant theory and technical route, etc. The second chapter is "Literature Review and theoretical Summary", which mainly refers to domestic and foreign literature. The present situation of commercial real estate site selection is introduced. The third chapter is "Yifeng Times Square Project and its development environment and main difficulties". This chapter mainly introduces the development status of the project and its company. Through the competitiveness analysis and combined with the development of the industry, summed up the general development strategy suitable for the enterprise. In order to implement the development strategy, First of all, it is necessary to formulate a location strategy suitable to the development strategy. However, the lack of theoretical support and quantitative method is the problem faced by the enterprise location strategy. Chapter 4th is "Project location Analysis and the Application of AHP method", which is based on the country. The theory of external correlation location, In the last chapter, the author analyzes the business situation and competitiveness of the enterprises, and puts forward the factors to consider the location of commercial real estate in China, especially in Shanghai. Then experts are invited to evaluate the importance of these factors. Then the weight of these factors is calculated and analyzed by "Analytic hierarchy process", and then the location model suitable for the enterprise is obtained. Chapter 5th is "Application calculation of Project location Model", which is mainly based on the location model obtained in the previous chapter. The index data collection and concrete operation are carried out on the three candidate plots. Chapter 6th is the conclusion of this paper and the prospect of the future development of commercial real estate location. Combined with the current situation of the target enterprise and the development situation of the real estate industry in our country, this paper summarizes and forms a site selection judgment system suitable for the hundred million group, which provides an operable scientific method for the project location of the enterprise. The factors that play a significant role in commercial location are: consumer population density. Consumer purchasing power and transportation factors. This also applies to other real estate companies similar to the business situation. It is hoped that real estate companies should attach great importance to the business location process in order to ensure a reasonable investment direction.


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