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发布时间:2018-02-28 08:48

  本文关键词: 典当法律关系 社会功能 立法建议 出处:《西南政法大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:典当起源于我国,据史料记载,最早的典当行为出现于殷商时期。但是典当业起源于何时,学界还有一定争论,目前较为通行的观点认为典当业起源于南北朝时期的僧寺。自此以后,典当业在我国发展迅速,并在历史上一度占据着重要地位,为民众特别是贫民应急救难、融通资金发挥了重要作用,,但是也应看到典当行在中国历史上高利盘剥的一面,给民众乃至于今日的人民群众仍然留下了不好的印象。当前我国典当业的发展态势不错,典当行的行业规模也在扩大,国务院法制办公布的《典当行管理条例(征求意见稿)》也鼓励有条件的典当行争取上市,典当行的服务对象由主要面向民众转向中小企业。典当行为解决中小企业融资难问题、促进经济发展发挥了重要的作用,但是我国目前典当法律制度仍不完善,诸如典当立法也主要是一部《典当管理办法》,且该办法法律层次低,与上位法《担保法》、《物权法》都存在冲突,法律风险很大,与此同时典当行的经营范围也广受争议,主要的争点是房地产抵押典当业务的存废。总而言之,典当的法律制度和法律规范已经难以适应突飞猛进发展的典当业,如何有效的发挥典当行为中小企业融资和促进经济发展的作用,防范典当行法律风险和规制其违法违规行为值得研究。本文试图对此加以探讨,以期为我国典当业的繁荣健康发展略尽绵力。 本文按照典当基础理论概述、典当法律关系、典当法律制度存在的问题与完善到最后的典当立法建议的逻辑顺序展开。 第一部分,简要论述典当基础理论问题。首先,本部分简要梳理了我国典当业发展的历史,然后对典当的概念进行了界定,笔者认为典当指典当行与当户之间所发生的,当户将其具有所有权或者处分权的动产或者财产性权利质押给典当行,或者将其具有所有权或者处分权的不动产抵押给典当行,典当行开具当票、支付当金给当户、收取一定的当金利息和综合管理费用并赋予当户以回赎权的民事行为。接着从经济角度和法律角度阐释典当的特征。典当的经济特征主要有短期性与高利性、便捷性和安全性。典当的法律特征有主体上的特许性、物权和债权的双重性及独立性和适用流质契约。最后阐释了典当的社会功能,典当主要由资金融通、当物保管、鉴定评估、商品销售四大功能。笔者以为,典当行所具有的当物保管、鉴定评估功能可以使典当行扩大经营业务、拓宽收入来源。 第二部分,着重论述了典当法律关系。本部分首先界定了典当法律关系的含义,然后分析了典当的法律关系的性质,指出其具有担保物权和债权双重性的性质,接下来通过与典权、抵押、质押的辨析使典当的性质更加清晰。再接下来阐释了典当法律关系的构成,包括主体、客体和内容,重点对客体中的当物作了探讨。最后对典当法律关系的产生、变更与消灭作了简要的叙述,笔者认为应当将我国典当营业习惯中的“找贴”“付贴”“抽当”“顶当”等规则在立法中加以确认。 第三部分,分析了我国典当法律制度存在的问题并提出了相应的制度完善。该部分分两节,第一节简要梳理了新中国成立以来我国关于典当行业立法的历史进程,第二节分析了我国典当法律制度当前存在的突出问题以及不足,并提出了完善建议。 第四部分,总结全文,笔者提出典当立法的逻辑。
[Abstract]:The pawn originated in China, according to historical records, the pawn behavior appeared in the Shang Dynasty. But when the origin of pawn industry, academia has some controversy, the commonly accepted view that pawn industry originated in the northern and Southern Dynasties monk temple. Since then, the pawn industry is developing rapidly in China, and in history once occupied an important position for the people, especially the poor emergency rescue, financing plays an important role, but should also see a pawn in the history of China Gregory exploitation, to the public even today people are still left a bad impression. The current development trend of our country's pawn industry. The pawn industry scale is expanding and the Legal Affairs Office of the State Council announced the "pawn Management Ordinance (Draft)" also encourage qualified pawn pawn for listing service object shift from mainly for people Small and medium-sized enterprises. The pawn behavior to solve SME financing problems, play an important role in promoting economic development, but China's current pawn legal system is still not perfect, such as pawn legislation is mainly a "pawn management approach", and the way the legal level is low, and the method of "Guarantee Law", "property law on the conflict of legal risk, at the same time, the pawn business scope also controversial, the main point of contention is the pawn business of real estate mortgage abolition. In short, the legal system and legal norms has been difficult to adapt to the rapid development of the pawn industry, how to effectively play the pawn behavior of small and medium-sized enterprises financing and to promote the economic development, prevent and control the legal risks of pawn illegal behavior is worth studying. This paper attempts to discuss, in order for our prosperity and healthy development of the pawn industry as far as cotton Power.
According to the basic theory of pawn, this paper summarizes the legal relationship of pawn, the existing problems of pawn legal system and the logical sequence to improve the final pawn legislation.
The first part briefly discusses the basic theory of pawn. Firstly, this part briefly reviews the development of pawn industry in China's history, and then defines the concept of the pawn, the pawn refers to between the hock and a pawner, as it has the ownership or the right to dispose of the property or property rights pledge to pawn, or will have the ownership or right of disposal of real estate mortgaged to the pawn, the pawn ticket issued, gold to pay when pawner, charge a management fee when gold and overall interest and give pawner to civil right of redemption. Then explain the pawn from the angle of economy and legal point of economic characteristics. The main characteristics of pawn short-term and Gregory, convenience and safety. The legal characteristics of pawn licensing body, real rights and creditor's rights of dualism and independence and apply the fluidity contract. Finally, it explains the social functions of pawns. Pawn is mainly composed of four main functions: financing, appraisal, sale and so on. I believe that pawnshop's property preservation and appraisal function can enable pawnshops to expand business and broaden the source of income.
The second part focuses on the pawn legal relationship. This part first defines the meaning of pawning legal relation, and then analyzes the legal nature of pawn, pointed out that it has secured real rights and creditor's rights of the duality of nature, and then through the pawning right, mortgage, pledge of property to pawn more clearly. Then explain the a pawn legal relationship includes subject, object and content, mainly discusses the object when the matter. At the end of the pawn legal relationship, change and eradication is briefly described. The author thinks that when the pawn in China business habits in the "find" paste "pay" paste "when pumping" when the "top" rules in the legislation to be confirmed.
The third part, analysis of China's existing legal system of pawn problems and puts forward the corresponding system. This part is divided into two sections, the first section briefly reviews the historical process of China's legislation on pawn industry since the new Chinese was established, the second section analyzes the problems of China's current legal system of pawn and shortcomings, and put forward the suggestions for improvement.
The fourth part, summarizing the full text, I put forward the logic of pawnpawn legislation.



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