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发布时间:2018-03-01 14:12

  本文关键词: 房地产商会 农民工市民化 顾云昌 房地产业 房地产市场 库存问题 城市房地产 高层会议 中国房地产 中央财经  出处:《上海房地》2016年03期  论文类型:期刊论文

[Abstract]:From the meeting of the Central Financial and Economic leading Group on November 10th last year, to the meeting of the political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on November 14th, and to the Central Economic work Conference, which ended on 21st, In a short period of two months, "dissolving real estate inventory" appeared in three high-level meetings of the Central Committee in succession. Why is inventory so important? Gu Yunchang, executive chairman of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce Alliance, pointed out in an interview with reporters that the problem of destocking is not only a problem of the real estate industry, but also a matter of stable macroeconomic growth. China must wage a "war of annihilation" of real estate inventories. Go to inventory. How do we fight this annihilation war? The central economic work conference put forward some measures: to speed up the urbanization of migrant workers, to expand the effective demand, to open up the supply and demand channels, to digest the inventory, and to stabilize the real estate market.


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