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发布时间:2018-03-01 13:33

  本文关键词: 集团管控模式 博弈 力高地产 管控体系 出处:《福州大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development situation of the real estate industry is related to the stable development of the whole national economy and the financial security. It is particularly important to study how to keep the real estate industry developing healthily. The intensity and severity of the new macroeconomic regulation and control policy for real estate are unprecedented, and the operating environment of real estate enterprises is undergoing the most profound changes. Real estate enterprises have changed and streamlined their institutions and optimized their organizational structure and business processes. In the process of collectivization of real estate enterprises, How to properly solve the profit game of parent-subsidiary companies becomes the key to its success or failure. Firstly, this paper makes some relevant theories from the aspects of the management and control mode of parent-subsidiary companies of enterprise groups and the application of game theory in the field of group control and control. Secondly, it introduces the definition of control mode, The basic types of the real estate enterprise group management and control mode and the factors influencing the choice of the management and control mode, and then elaborated the development history and the basic concept of the game theory, and on this basis, From the vertical level of management and control game between parent and subsidiary companies of enterprise groups and the horizontal level between subsidiary companies of enterprise groups, the paper analyzes the management and control game of parent and subsidiary companies of enterprise groups, and further analyzes the management and control mode of Vanke Group, which is a benchmarking enterprise. And analyze their respective advantages and disadvantages; finally, the combination of high real estate group to do empirical research, through the analysis of high-power real estate group management problems, focusing on the organizational structure, process management and performance evaluation three aspects of diagnosis, And put forward the design ideas and steps of the management and control system of Ligao real estate, designed a set of relatively perfect management and control system of Ligao Group. The innovation of this paper is mainly reflected in the vertical level of the management and control game between the parent and subsidiary companies of the enterprise group and between the son of the enterprise group. In the horizontal level, the game model is used to analyze the game relationship between parent and subsidiary companies. And the combination of high real estate group to do empirical research, designed a set of relatively perfect management and control system, which is helpful to further enrich and improve the theory of real estate group management and control, has a certain theoretical significance.


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