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发布时间:2018-03-01 13:14

  本文关键词: 上市银行 系统性风险 AHP法 模糊综合评价 出处:《东华理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Against the backdrop of an increasing degree of opening to the outside world, China's financial system is facing a double test of both internal and external environment. The current financial crisis in the United States and the European debt crisis have made the real economy and the financial market in the world more volatile. How to effectively prevent and defuse the financial systemic risk and avoid the outbreak of financial crisis is an important worldwide issue. Banks are the most important part of our financial system. It is very important and urgent to identify and evaluate the systemic risk of Chinese banks effectively, and to take appropriate methods to prevent and resolve the systemic risk. This paper deeply analyzes the composition of systemic risk of listed banks in China, and establishes a risk evaluation index system composed of five subsystems: bank, macro economy, finance, real estate and balance of payments. To evaluate and analyze the systemic risk of listed banks in China, to combine with the fact of bank risk in our country, according to the international experience of systematic risk prevention, The research content of this paper is divided into four parts: the first part is the theoretical analysis, including the first, second and third chapters. On the basis of the research of the causes and evaluation methods, the definition, characteristics and evaluation methods of the systemic risk of Chinese banks are defined, and the theory of systemic risk of the relevant banks is explained in order to analyze the composition of the subsequent risks. The second part is risk analysis, which includes 4th chapters. Taking the systemic risk of listed banks in China as the research object, the paper analyzes the development of Chinese banks. Combined with the characteristics of systemic risk contagion mechanism, this paper analyzes the systematic risk composition of listed banks in China, and lays a foundation for the establishment of risk evaluation index system. The third part is empirical research. It includes 5th chapters. The systematic risk evaluation index system of China's listed banks is constructed. The systematic risk of 16 A-share listed banks in China in 2012 is evaluated and analyzed by combining the AHP method with the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The author draws the conclusion that the systemic risk of listed banks in our country is mild risk. Part 4th is the countermeasures, including 6th and 7 chapters. It analyzes the international experience of preventing the systemic risk of banks. Combined with the actual situation of systemic risk in Chinese banks, The innovation of this paper is to set up a systematic risk analysis system of banks with the characteristics of the development of Chinese banks, which is based on the characteristics of systemic risk and contagion mechanism. Based on the theoretical study of the causes of bank systemic risk, this paper analyzes the composition of bank systemic risk and constructs an evaluation index system composed of five subsystems: bank, macro economy, finance, real estate, and balance of payments. The evaluation index system can be adjusted according to the characteristics of systemic risk in different stages of development, and has strong applicability and flexibility.


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