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发布时间:2018-03-01 11:34

  本文关键词: 房地产项目 风险识别 风险评估 风险应对 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,随着国家经济的发展,房地产行业发展迅速,成为支柱产业之一,其发展对整个国民经济的影响相对比较大,并且在国民经济中处于越来越重要的地位。但由于房地产项目受政策影响比较大,以及投入大、周期长等特点的影响,房地产开发过程中不可预见的风险因素较多,并且国家宏观调控政策一变再变,导致房地产开发的风险逐渐增大。因此,如何控制和解决项目风险是房地产企业面临的一个尤为重要的问题,并且相当多的房地产企业的管理人员风险意识较淡薄,风险管理能力较弱,缺乏有效的风险应对措施。因此,开展对房地产开发项目风险管理的分析和研究具有非常重要的现实意义。 本文的研究目的在于综合运用风险管理及房地产项目风险管理的理论与方法,结合实际,研究相关理论在实际中的应用等问题。本文主要阐述了风险的定义和分类以及风险管理的定义等。根据房地产项目开发不同阶段的特点,采用分析与归纳、定性与定量相结合的方法评估风险,随后基于对各类风险评价方法的分析评估,构建了基于模糊层次评价法的风险评估模型,并针对房地产项目的风险因素进行研究,提出了项目风险应对的各种措施。论文以路劲御景城房地产项目为研究对象,基于对房地产项目风险管理的一般理论和概念进行综述的基础上,对项目投资决策、前期、施工建设和租售管理四个阶段进行风险识别,并且针对项目全生命期的风险状况,提出各种风险的应对措施,有针对性的提高防范风险的意识和应对风险的能力,保证项目的顺利实施。虽然该项目在各个阶段都存在着一定的风险,但总体来看,路劲御景城项目有一个良好的预期。该研究对其他房地产开发企业具有一定的参考价值。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the development of the national economy, the real estate industry is developing rapidly, has become one of the pillar industries, the development of the impact on the national economy is relatively large, and is more and more important in the national economy. But because of the real estate project affected by the policy than larger, and large investment, long cycle characteristics the risk of many unforeseen factors in the process of real estate development, and the national macro-control policy change again, leading to the risk of real estate development gradually increased. Therefore, how to control the project risk is an important issue facing the real estate business and management personnel, a considerable number of real risk awareness the real estate business is relatively weak, the risk management ability is weak, the lack of effective measures to deal with risks. Therefore, very important to carry out analysis and Research on the real estate development project risk management is The practical significance.
The purpose of this study is the theory and methods of comprehensive risk management and risk management of real estate projects combined with the actual problems in the actual application of the relevant theoretical research. This paper mainly expounds the definition and classification of risk and risk management definition. According to the characteristics of real estate projects in different stages of development, through analysis and induction, combination of qualitative and quantitative methods of risk assessment, then based on the analysis and evaluation of various risk evaluation methods, the paper builds a risk evaluation model based on Fuzzy AHP, and risk factors for real estate projects, the study puts forward measures for project risk response. The City Scenic Road King real estate project as the research object, summarized the general theory and the concept of real estate project risk management based on the project investment decision-making stage, construction and Rental management in four stages of risk identification, and according to the project life cycle risk situation, puts forward the countermeasures to deal with various risks, and ability to consciously deal with risks to improve the risk prevention, to ensure the smooth implementation of the project. The project although there are certain risks in every stage, but overall Scenic Road King City, the project has a good forecast. The study has a certain reference value for other real estate development enterprises.



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