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发布时间:2018-03-02 08:57

  本文关键词: 旧村改造 村落文化 传统民居保护 出处:《青岛理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国自21世纪开始至今,自然村的数量减少了近百万,让人震惊,作为有着悠久人文历史的文明古国,村落是我们民族生存发展的基本单元,孕育了深厚的历史文化,人口的聚集、迁移,生产里的发展、演变都是在村落的基础上进行的。 村落的发展和存在是数千年来历史自然发展的产物,包含着民族发展的精华,村落的规划布局、建筑形式、自然景观、村庄设施和村落特有的文化特性都是历史发展的必然产物,是人类群居生活自然演变的结果,经得起推敲和考证,是中华民族的优秀传统文化的重要载体和象征。 随着改革开放的步伐,城市化进程加快,经济发展迅速,农村外出务工人员增加,农村常住人口骤减,村落逐渐衰落。在村落衰落的过程中,政府的相关政策,房地产开发行业体制的不健全,不合理的暴利因素都成了催化剂。带来的让人心痛的现象就是旧村改造工程开发过快,模式化、标准化、快餐式的改造模式犹如猛虎般的席卷中华大地。农耕文化遇到了前所未有的摧残和破坏,村落在人为加速的城镇化进程中突然消亡,也给还没有过渡转型的农村社会的安定埋下了隐患。 随着人口的增长,城市的快速发展,城市用地基本开发完毕。大量的开发企业把工作的重心转移到了城市郊区的农村土地上。一个个数百年自然形成的传统村落,往往几年时间就被房地产开发的快刀改造成了千篇一律的居民小区。人民是被动的,也是无力的。 经济的发展、城市化进程是大趋势,但是在发展中,我们应该重视和保护农耕文明留下的好的历史遗产,毕竟是我们民族发展的基本。我们应该适当的放慢脚步,深入研究传统村落在慢慢历史长河中积累的文化肌理,总结出规划、建筑、景观、设施等方面传统村落的优点,总结出值得保留和传承的部分,应用到现在乃至将来的旧村改造项目中去,发展咱民族传统的,有历史文化底蕴的东西,才对得起历史文明古国的称号。尊重传统,立足现在,为下一代负责,是我们不能推卸的历史责任。
[Abstract]:Since 21th century, the number of natural villages in China has decreased by nearly one million, which is shocking. As an ancient civilized country with a long history of humanity, villages are the basic unit of our nation's survival and development, and have given birth to profound historical culture. Population accumulation, migration, and development in production are based on villages. The development and existence of villages is the product of the historical and natural development of thousands of years, including the essence of national development, the planning and layout of villages, the architectural forms, and the natural landscape. The village facilities and the unique cultural characteristics of the village are the inevitable outcome of historical development and the result of the natural evolution of human social life. It can withstand scrutiny and textual research and is an important carrier and symbol of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation. With the pace of reform and opening up, the process of urbanization is speeding up, the economy is developing rapidly, the number of migrant workers in rural areas has increased, the population of rural residents has plummeted, and villages have gradually declined. In the process of the decline of villages, the relevant policies of the government, The imperfect system of the real estate development industry and unreasonable profiteering factors have all become catalysts. The painful phenomenon brought about is that the old village reconstruction projects are developed too fast, modelled and standardized. The fast-food transformation model swept across the land of China like a tiger. The farming culture encountered unprecedented destruction and destruction, and the villages suddenly died out in the artificially accelerated process of urbanization. It has also buried hidden dangers for the stability of the rural society, which has not yet been transitional and transformed. With the growth of population and the rapid development of the city, the basic development of urban land has been completed. A large number of development enterprises have shifted the focus of their work to rural land in the suburbs of the city. Often a few years by the real estate development of the sharp knife transformed into the same residential district. The people are passive, but also powerless. The development of the economy and the process of urbanization are the major trends. However, in the course of development, we should attach importance to and protect the good historical heritage left by agricultural civilization, after all, it is the basis of our national development. We should slow down our pace appropriately. Deeply studying the cultural texture accumulated in the long history of traditional villages, summing up the advantages of traditional villages in planning, architecture, landscape, facilities and so on, and summarizing the parts worth preserving and inheriting. Only by applying it to the present and even the future old village reconstruction projects to develop our national traditions with historical and cultural connotations can we deserve the title of an ancient country of historical civilization. We should respect tradition, base ourselves on the present, and be responsible for the next generation. It is a historical responsibility that we cannot shirk.


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