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发布时间:2018-03-02 16:33

  本文选题:中原市场改造 切入点:市场调查 出处:《郑州大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近几年来,受国家对房地产行业宏观调控政策的影响,住宅商品房成交量不断下滑,而商业营业用房的成交量却骤然上升,各大房地产开发企业纷纷从传统住宅开发转向商业地产开发。但纵观各房地产企业,对商业地产的开发比较盲目,缺乏科学、系统的可行性研究。LY公司是濮阳市一家中小规模房地产开发企业,虽然有11年的住宅开发经验,但从未涉及商业地产开发。因此,对于LY公司来说,进行商业地产项目可行性研究,寻找到一套科学的可行性分析方法,对提升商业地产开发能力和管理水平,保障项目建设顺利实施具有十分重要的意义。 本文以可行性研究报告的形式展开,以中原市场改造项目为研究对象,对项目在征收安置、项目定位、组织实施、经济效益、社会效益等方面是否可行进行了深入系统的研究。首先介绍了项目概况,说明了项目建设背景和必要性,分析了项目所在城市的投资环境、市场状况、竞争对手、客户需求,其次确定了建设成“城市综合体”的项目定位,制订了组织实施方案,最后运用静态和动态分析、定性与定量分析相结合的方法,对项目的经济效益和面临的风险进行了剖析,提出了相应的风险管控策略和应对措施。 本文的研究结论是:中原市场改造项目的投资环境较好,项目定位准确,规划设计新颖,客户十分认可,市场需求很大;项目资金筹措渠道畅通,现金流充裕,能够满足征收补偿和工程建设的需要;项目总投资105313.77万元,总收入137688.32万元,净利润24280.91万元,投资利润率23.05%,收入十分可观,财务内部收益率48.73%,远远高于12%的预期收益率;项目建设期3年,静态投资回收期1.59年,动态投资回收期1.81年,回收期较短;项目对销售收入的变化更加敏感,盈亏平衡点是74.4%,能够抵御一定的成本上升和收入下降的风险,具有一定的抗风险能力;虽然面临诸多风险,但通过制订相应的风险管控策略和应对措施,均能得到有效的控制;项目还能增加地方政府财政收入1.3亿元,缴税1.9亿元,提供2000多个就业岗位。因此,本项目是可行的。 本项目实施后能够带来很好的经济效益和社会效益,具有良好的发展前景和市场空间,也能为濮阳市其他市场改造项目提供参考借鉴。
[Abstract]:In recent years, under the influence of the state's macroeconomic regulation and control policies on the real estate industry, the volume of commercial housing transactions has been declining, while the volume of commercial commercial houses has risen sharply. The major real estate development enterprises have shifted from traditional residential development to commercial real estate development. But throughout the real estate enterprises, the development of commercial real estate is blind and lack of science. Feasibility study of the system. LY is a small-scale real estate developer in Puyang City. Although it has 11 years of residential development experience, it has never been involved in commercial real estate development. It is of great significance to study the feasibility of commercial real estate projects and find a set of scientific feasibility analysis methods to improve the development ability and management level of commercial real estate and to ensure the smooth implementation of project construction. This paper is carried out in the form of feasibility study report, taking the Central Plains Market Reform Project as the research object, collecting and placing the project, locating the project, organizing and implementing the project, and making economic benefit. This paper first introduces the general situation of the project, explains the background and necessity of the project construction, analyzes the investment environment, market conditions, competitors, customer needs of the city where the project is located. Secondly, it determines the project orientation of the construction of "urban complex", formulates the organization implementation plan, and finally uses the static and dynamic analysis, qualitative and quantitative analysis to analyze the economic benefits and the risks faced by the project. Put forward the corresponding risk control strategy and countermeasures. The conclusions of this paper are as follows: the investment environment is better, the project positioning is accurate, the planning and design are novel, the customers are very approbable, the market demand is very large, the project financing channel is unblocked, the cash flow is abundant, The total investment of the project is one billion fifty-three million one hundred and thirty-seven thousand and seven hundred yuan, the total income is one billion three hundred and seventy-six million eight hundred and eighty-three thousand and two hundred yuan, the net profit is two hundred and forty-two million eight hundred and nine thousand and one hundred yuan, the investment profit margin is 23.05 yuan, the income is very considerable, the financial internal rate of return is 48.7333, far higher than the expected rate of return of 12%; The project construction period is 3 years, the static investment payback period is 1.59 years, the dynamic investment payback period is 1.81 years, and the payback period is relatively short. The project is more sensitive to the change of sales income, and the break-even point is 74.4%, which can resist the risk of a certain increase in cost and a decline in income. It has a certain ability to resist risks; although it faces many risks, it can be effectively controlled by making corresponding risk control strategies and countermeasures. The project can also increase the local government's fiscal revenue by 130 million yuan and pay 190 million yuan of tax. More than 2000 jobs are provided. Therefore, this project is feasible. The implementation of this project can bring good economic and social benefits, have a good development prospects and market space, and can also provide reference for other market transformation projects in Puyang.


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