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发布时间:2018-03-02 19:30

  本文选题:房地产经纪 切入点:法律规制 出处:《南京工业大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:伴随着房地产市场的蓬勃发展,房地产经纪业也取得了很大程度的发展,房地产经纪组织和房地产从业人员作为房地产业的新生物,也扮演着愈加重要的角色。但是与域外一些发达国家或地区的房地产经纪业对比,我们在发展的过程中出现了很多的问题,这些大大小小的问题严重影响着我国房地产经纪业的良性发展,也影响着整个社会主义市场经济的前行路径。 在此基础上笔者通过对房地产经纪组织的现状以及存在的诟病进行概述和探讨,,同时通过综合比较域外发达国家及地区的经纪组织现状,为我国房地产经纪的法律规制研究提供一些可行性措施。 文章主体框架由四大部分组成: 第一部分是对房地产经纪组织的一般理论进行阐述,主要介绍的是经纪组织的概念与特征,经纪的地位与作用,房地产经纪的概念与特征,房地产经纪的地位和作用。通过较为详细的阐述,使读者对房地产经纪组织的一般理论有一个粗略的了解。 第二部分主要是对域外房地产经纪组织的法律规制现状进行大致分析,通过对美国、台湾地区、德国等地区的房地产经纪组织的法律规制体系的概述以及分析,希望对建立我国房地产中介行业的法律体系具有重要的借鉴意义。 第三部分分析我国房地产中介组织的发展情况、我国房地产中介组织的法律规制及其问题,如隐瞒与交易有关的问题、利用含有不合理规定的格式合同、发布虚假广告信息、发布虚假信息、利用信息进行不合理操作等多种问题。 第四部分针对近年来我国房地产经纪组织发展中出现的问题提出完善房地产经纪立法、如规范房地产市场准入制度、税收制度的建设、建立行业标准等,健全政府监督管理机制、经纪制度的自律完善。
[Abstract]:With the booming development of the real estate market, the real estate brokerage industry has also made great progress. Real estate brokerage organizations and real estate practitioners are the new creatures of the real estate industry. Also playing an increasingly important role. But compared with the real estate brokerage industry in some developed countries or regions, we have many problems in the process of development. These large and small problems seriously affect the benign development of real estate brokerage industry in China, and also affect the entire socialist market economy. On this basis, the author summarizes and discusses the status quo of real estate brokerage organizations and their existing criticisms, and at the same time comprehensively compares the status quo of brokerage organizations in developed countries and regions abroad. To provide some feasible measures for the study of legal regulation of real estate broker in China. The main frame of the article consists of four parts:. The first part is to explain the general theory of real estate brokerage organization, mainly introduces the concept and characteristics of the brokerage organization, the status and role of the broker, the concept and characteristics of the real estate broker. The position and role of real estate brokers. Through a more detailed elaboration, readers have a rough understanding of the general theory of real estate brokerage organization. The second part mainly analyzes the current situation of the legal regulation of the overseas real estate brokerage organizations, through the overview and analysis of the legal regulation system of the real estate brokerage organizations in the United States, Taiwan, Germany and other regions. Hope to establish the legal system of real estate intermediary industry in China has important reference significance. The third part analyzes the development of the real estate intermediary organizations in our country, the legal regulation of the real estate intermediary organizations in our country and its problems, such as concealing the problems related to transactions, publishing false advertising information by using the format contracts containing unreasonable regulations. Publish false information, use information to carry on unreasonable operation and so on many kinds of problems. In the 4th part, in view of the problems in the development of real estate brokerage organizations in China in recent years, the author proposes to perfect the real estate brokerage legislation, such as standardizing the real estate market access system, the construction of the tax system, the establishment of industry standards, etc. We will improve the mechanism of government supervision and management, and improve the self-discipline of the brokerage system.


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