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发布时间:2018-03-04 03:16

  本文选题:预售资金监管 切入点:资金安全 出处:《浙江工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:商品房预售资金监管制度能规范商品房预售资金监督管理,确保商品房预售资金用于相关工程建设,防止商品房交易风险,保障预售商品房当事人的合法权益,维护房地产市场正常秩序;同时也会对房地产市场产生一些影响,具有实施房地产行业宏观调控的潜在功能。 本文首先通过案例分析现行的商品房预售资金监管中资金安全情况,发现现行商品房预售资金监管模式能起到一定的监管作用,但存在一些影响资金安全的不利因素。然后通过定量分析,分别从微观层面研究预售资金监管制度对房价与销售面积的影响,从宏观层面研究预售资金监管制度对房地产市场效率的影响。研究表明固定资金监管方法既不影响房价与销售面积,也不影响房地产市场效率;销售资金监管方法不影响房价与销售面积,但会降低房地产市场效率;混合监管方法可以影响房价与销售面积,在某些条件下降低房地产市场效率,而在另一些条件下可以改善房地产市场效率。最后,从商品房预售资金监管对房地产市场以及监管资金安全的影响两个方面,提出一些改进商品房预售资金监管制度科学化水平的展望和设想。
[Abstract]:The supervision and control system of commercial housing pre-sale funds can standardize the supervision and administration of commercial housing pre-sale funds, ensure that commercial housing pre-sale funds are used for related engineering construction, prevent commercial housing transaction risks, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties involved in pre-sale commercial housing. Maintaining the normal order of the real estate market and having some influence on the real estate market, it has the potential function of carrying out the macro regulation and control of the real estate industry. First of all, this paper analyzes the security of funds in the current supervision of commercial housing pre-sale funds through a case study, and finds that the current supervision mode of commercial housing pre-sale funds can play a certain role in supervision. However, there are some unfavorable factors that affect the security of funds. Then, through quantitative analysis, the paper studies the influence of pre-sale fund supervision system on house price and sales area from the micro level. This paper studies the influence of pre-sale fund supervision system on the efficiency of real estate market from the macro level. The study shows that the fixed fund supervision method does not affect the housing price and sales area, nor does it affect the efficiency of the real estate market. The method of supervising the sales funds does not affect the house price and the area of sale, but it will reduce the efficiency of the real estate market; the mixed supervision method can affect the house price and the area of sale, and reduce the efficiency of the real estate market under certain conditions. And under some other conditions, the efficiency of the real estate market can be improved. Finally, from two aspects, the influence of the supervision of funds on the real estate market and the safety of the supervision of funds for the pre-sale of commercial housing, This paper puts forward some prospects and ideas for improving the scientific level of the supervision system of commercial housing pre-sale funds.


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