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发布时间:2018-03-05 10:07

  本文选题:房地产市场 切入点:PEST分析 出处:《大连理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在当前房地产市场竞争日益激烈,产品同质化严重,消费者对产品质量要求愈来愈高,以及国家对房地产市场的调控力度持续不减的背景下,众多房地产公司正面临着严峻的市场生存压力。企业需要正确地把握新的房地产产品市场形势和自身面临的各种挑战,着力制定新的竞争战略,提高产品的市场竞争力。只有这样房地产企业才能实现可持续发展,在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 本文以西安Z房地产公司竞争战略作为主要研究对象。在进行相关研究文献回顾和梳理的基础上,运用PEST分析理论框架系统分析全国房地产市场、区域房地产市场以及局部房地产市场宏观与微观市场环境,结合本企业的实际情况,识别本公司房地产产品的潜在市场和主要竞争对手。运用SWOT分析方法和问卷调查法,识别出企业的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。在此基础上本文得出如下结论:(1)结合外部宏观环境的PEST分析、区域房地产市场环境分析、以及房地产行业的环境分析,最终认为Z公司面临的外部机会大于威胁;(2)通过对公司的内部环境进行分析,得出Z公司的内部优势大于其劣势;(3)通过SWOT矩阵分析,认为Z公司应发挥优势,利用机会,即选择SO战略——增长型战略。最后,结合企业的发展目标,对企业竞争战略的选择进行规划。 最后,本文结合Z公司战略目标最终认为公司应根据公司战略的前、中、后期三个不同阶段分别选择产品差异化战略、产品聚焦战略和成本领先战略。为保障这些公司战略得以顺利实施,本研究还进一步提出了公司要通过资源整合战略、融资战略、营销战略和人才开发管理等战略保障措施保证所制定战略的实施。
[Abstract]:Under the background of the increasingly fierce competition in the real estate market, the serious homogenization of the products, the higher and higher demand for the quality of the products by consumers, and the continuous and unabated state regulation and control of the real estate market, Many real estate companies are facing severe market survival pressure. Enterprises need to correctly grasp the new market situation of real estate products and the challenges they face, and make efforts to formulate new competitive strategies. Only in this way can real estate enterprises achieve sustainable development and remain invincible in the fierce market competition. This paper takes Xi'an Z real estate company's competition strategy as the main research object. On the basis of reviewing and combing the relevant research literature, this paper systematically analyzes the national real estate market by using the theoretical framework of PEST analysis. The regional real estate market and the macro and micro market environment of the local real estate market, combined with the actual situation of the enterprise, identify the potential market and main competitors of the company's real estate products. The method of SWOT analysis and questionnaire survey is used. On the basis of this, this paper draws the following conclusions: (1) combined with the PEST analysis of external macro environment, the analysis of regional real estate market environment, and the environmental analysis of real estate industry. Finally, it is concluded that the external opportunities faced by Z Company are greater than the threats. (2) by analyzing the internal environment of Z Company, it is concluded that the internal advantage of Z Company is greater than its inferiority. (3) through the analysis of SWOT matrix, it is concluded that Z Company should exert its advantages and take advantage of the opportunity. That is to choose so strategy-growth strategy. Finally, combined with the development objectives of the enterprise, the choice of competitive strategy is planned. Finally, combined with the strategic goal of Z Company, the paper concludes that the company should choose the product differentiation strategy according to the three different stages of the company strategy: before, in the middle stage and in the later stage. Product focus strategy and cost leading strategy. In order to ensure the successful implementation of these corporate strategies, this study further proposed that the company should adopt the strategy of resource integration and financing. Marketing strategy and talent development management and other strategic safeguards to ensure the implementation of the strategy.


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