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发布时间:2018-03-07 17:22

  本文选题:房地产 切入点:全生命周期 出处:《吉林建筑大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:随着科学技术的发展,城市化工业化进程加快,房地产行业成为国民经济重要的支柱产业,但同时它也是碳排放量最大的行业,所以发展低碳房地产是减少碳排放和降低能源消耗的重要手段。 低碳房地产在我国处于初级阶段,低碳技术、材料还不成熟,相关的政策、技术标准还不完善,所以亟待构建一个低碳房地产开发运行模式来推广低碳房地产的发展,使低碳房地产项目在项目的全生命周期中能够顺利进行:保证在项目开发阶段有技术标准引导、在项目建设阶段有成熟的低碳技术支撑、在项目运行阶段有政府政策激励。 本文从研究我国现有低碳房地产的发展现状入手,了解了我国建筑行业的现状及建筑能耗、低碳房地产的设计与技术应用。通过对“低碳”的相关概念及理论的阐述,分析现阶段我国低碳房地产开发运行模式存在的问题:政府缺少相应政策与技术标准的不完善缺乏有效管理;对房地产开发企业来说,低碳房地产开发成本高,缺少金融信贷支持,使开发商缺少发展低碳房地产的动力;消费者缺乏低碳意识等。针对以上问题,提出了从房地产全生命中周期角度来研究如何发展低碳房地产,构建一个符合我国国情的低碳房地产开发运行模式。该模式从房地产的全生命周期角度考虑,积极推进低碳技术、材料的研发,对发展低碳的企业给予经济上的扶持,完善政策、技术标准,创造良好的环境来发展低碳房地产,实现低碳、节能的目标。 如今在能源短缺、环境污染的现象下,世界各国都在努力寻求人、自然、环境和谐相处的模式,,我们国家也不能落后,借鉴发达国家的经验,创造符合我国低碳房地产发展道路。
[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology and the acceleration of urbanization and industrialization, the real estate industry has become an important pillar industry of the national economy, but at the same time, it is also the industry with the largest carbon emissions. Therefore, the development of low-carbon real estate is an important means to reduce carbon emissions and reduce energy consumption. Low-carbon real estate in our country is in the initial stage, low-carbon technology, materials are not mature, related policies, technical standards are not perfect, so it is urgent to build a low-carbon real estate development operation model to promote the development of low-carbon real estate. So that the low-carbon real estate project can be carried out smoothly in the whole life cycle of the project: ensuring the technical standard guidance in the project development phase, the mature low-carbon technology support in the project construction stage, and the government policy incentive in the project operation stage. This paper begins with the research on the present development of low-carbon real estate in China, and understands the present situation of construction industry, energy consumption, the design and technical application of low-carbon real estate in China, and expounds the related concepts and theories of low-carbon real estate. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the operating mode of low carbon real estate development in China at present: the government lacks the corresponding policies and technical standards and lacks effective management; for the real estate development enterprises, the low carbon real estate development cost is high. The lack of financial and credit support makes developers lack the motivation to develop low-carbon real estate, and consumers lack low-carbon consciousness. In view of the above problems, this paper puts forward a study on how to develop low-carbon real estate from the perspective of the whole life cycle of real estate. To construct a low carbon real estate development mode, which is in line with the national conditions of our country. This model actively promotes the development of low carbon technology and materials from the perspective of the whole life cycle of real estate, and gives economic support to the development of low carbon enterprises. Improve policies, technical standards, create a good environment to develop low-carbon real estate, achieve low-carbon, energy-saving goals. Nowadays, under the phenomenon of energy shortage and environmental pollution, all countries in the world are striving to find a model of harmonious coexistence between man, nature and environment. Our country should not lag behind, and learn from the experience of developed countries. Create in line with our country's low-carbon real estate development road.


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