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发布时间:2018-03-08 00:24

  本文选题:传统居住民俗 切入点:禁忌 出处:《天津大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:After the upsurge of real estate development, people's demand for urban housing is increasing day by day. They hope that housing can reflect the humanism of secular concept and the extensibility of traditional culture. In other words, the period and isolation of this culture were reawakened in the tide of retro culture. In modern cities, Users want to buy properties that can meet the traditional national taboos. This requires architects in the new era to have a new attitude and new ideas in the design of their houses, combining the traditional taboos with the modern housing design. Meet the needs of the market and the development of the times. At present, many designers have not changed their ideas and do not care to understand and learn the so-called taboo customs. Less willing to make concessions when designing to avoid certain taboos. Our designers not only don't have a correct understanding of taboos, Folklore is the unique spiritual civilization of human society. Its formation and origin are primitive worship of natural things and fear of unknown things. With the development of primitive social system. For a code of conduct. If the God is defiled or desecrated, Cursed and unfortunate. Unlucky things are not allowed to be touched, otherwise they are tainted with evil and dirty things. Taboos permeate every aspect of people's lives. Among them, the folk taboos have a profound influence on the houses in the Han culture areas of the Central Plains. In the traditional houses, they are from siting to building, from design to construction, from plane layout to facade decoration. From the big pattern to the small details are influenced by folklore taboos. To find out the root causes, the nature of residence taboos is people's good desire to seek good fortune and avoid evil, and guide people to protect themselves by practical experience. At the same time, it reflects the social system and religious beliefs. In modern society, the market acceptance of folklore taboos is still relatively high, and designers also encounter many problems related to folklore taboos in their work. It needs close attention of designers. Comparing and analyzing the general layout of the house, the outer space organization of the single building, the interior space organization of the single building and the detailed design of the interior space of the single building, the traditional and modern residence taboos are compared and analyzed. Single building color decoration design, among which there are development aspects, but also aspects of reform and elimination. From ancient to modern in terms of economic conditions, social development, cultural shock, scientific and technological era of major changes, These major changes affect the living taboos. Folklore taboos are a process of dynamic development, and their changes are the epitome of social development. Folk taboos are an indispensable part of the residential culture. Based on the comparison between traditional and modern residential taboos, this paper aims to summarize the living taboos in line with the development of modern society, hoping to provide some references for designers in the design direction.


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10 胡迪;汉代禁忌探讨[D];吉林大学;2008年




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