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发布时间:2018-03-08 10:13

  本文选题:存量房 切入点:恶意违约 出处:《厦门大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:在房地产市场上,存量房买卖日趋活跃,随之产生了一系列关于存量房买卖的恶意违约问题。由于法律关系复杂,司法适用缺失以及市场趋利性等原因,对于该问题的规制应对方法存在不少争议,处理方式也颇为棘手。合理规制存量房买卖恶意违约问题,不仅能最大限度保护守约方的合法权益,还能净化现阶段的房地产交易市场。从法律层面角度看,本文结合了对民法理论中违约行为、诚实信用原则、惩罚性赔偿制度等方面的分析,总结出目前常见的四种存量房买卖恶意违约行为,并从“恶意”这个概念的法律分析和恶意违约责任的应受惩罚性论证角度着手,提出对规制这类法律纠纷的适用依据,明晰各方的举证责任以及完善相应的惩罚性赔偿制度,以期能有序的引导房地产市场朝健康化、规模化发展。 根据以上思路,全文共分三个部分来展开论述: 第一部分主要概述存量房买卖的数据及其产生的法律纠纷等现状,并从法律层面和现实层面阐释这类纠纷产生的原因,在法律分析的基础上指出当前存量房买卖恶意违约的存在的典型法律问题。 第二部分着重从存量房买卖的违约责任要件建构入手,分为恶意违约的主观认定、违反法定义务或者约定义务的行为及恶意违约行为超越惩罚标准三个视角,以案例分析与法理论证相结合的方式予以详实说明,从而将存量房买卖的恶意违约问题类型化和规范化。 第三部分引入对于规制存量房买卖恶意违约的理论分析,在综合考量各方面法律影响要素的前提下,一方面提出引入诚实信用原则作为规制存量房买卖恶意违约制度的根基,将诚实信用原则具体内化到存量房买卖恶意违约的法律适用上,另一方面通过引用、完善惩罚性赔偿制度,尤其是在综合考量社会、个人等多方面因素的情况下,合理确定赔偿额度,进而对存量房买卖的恶意违约进行相应程度的规范。
[Abstract]:In the real estate market, the stock house sale becomes more and more active, resulting in a series of malicious breach of contract problems about the stock house sale. Because of the complicated legal relationship, the lack of judicial application and the market trend, etc. There are a lot of disputes about the regulation of this problem, and the way to deal with it is quite difficult. To regulate the malicious breach of contract in stock house sale can not only protect the lawful rights and interests of the conformant to the maximum extent, but also be difficult to deal with. It can also purify the real estate transaction market at this stage. From the legal point of view, this paper combines the analysis of breach of contract in the theory of civil law, the principle of good faith, the system of punitive damages, and so on. This paper sums up four kinds of malicious breach of contract in stock house sale and puts forward the applicable basis for regulating this kind of legal dispute from the legal analysis of the concept of "malice" and the argumentation of the liability for malicious breach of contract. Clear the burden of proof and improve the corresponding punitive damages system, in order to guide the real estate market towards a healthy, large-scale development. According to the above ideas, the thesis is divided into three parts:. The first part mainly summarizes the data of stock house purchase and sale and the current situation of legal disputes, and explains the causes of such disputes from the legal and practical aspects. On the basis of legal analysis, this paper points out the typical legal problems existing in malicious breach of contract. The second part focuses on the construction of the liability for breach of contract, including the subjective determination of malicious breach of contract, the violation of legal or contractual obligations and the violation of malicious breach of contract beyond the penalty standard. In order to classify and standardize the problem of malicious breach of contract in stock house sale, the case analysis and legal argumentation are combined to explain it in detail. The third part introduces the theoretical analysis of the regulation of malicious breach of contract in the stock purchase and sale. On the premise of synthetically considering the various factors of legal influence, on the one hand, it puts forward the principle of good faith as the basis of the regulation of malicious breach of contract in the purchase and sale of the stock house. The principle of good faith is specifically internalized into the legal application of malicious breach of contract in stock housing. On the other hand, the system of punitive damages is improved through quoting, especially in the case of comprehensive consideration of various factors, such as society, individuals, and so on. Reasonable determination of the amount of compensation, and then the stock of malicious breach of contract to a corresponding degree of regulation.


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