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发布时间:2018-03-08 20:53

  本文选题:学区划分 切入点:问题 出处:《浙江工商大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:《中华人民共和国义务教育法》(以下简称《义务教育法》)规定了义务教育阶段学生免试入学、就近入学等学区划分原则,但是它并没有具体规定怎样来贯彻实施这些原则。在我国中小学学区划分缺乏相关法律规制的情况下,学区划分乱象丛生,各方利益盘根错节,亟待法律的治理。本文通过对学区划分过程中的行政行为存在的法律问题进行分析,意欲将我国的中小学学区划分纳入法治轨道,以期公平、公正的进行学区划分,从而使适龄儿童和少年的受教育权得到切实的保护。本篇文章主要结构分为: 第一部分提出了学区划分中的问题。首先,通过政府、房地产开发商、房主、家长等角度全面阐述当今学区划分中的乱象是多方利益博弈的结果。其次,通过分析这些乱象来阐述稀缺的教学资源、不公平的教学资源分布以及商业利益的诱人性是这些问题产生的社会根源。再次,从教育公平、均衡利益、防止腐败、保障利害关系人程序性权益等考虑,阐明当今学区划分亟需法律的治理。 第二部分阐述了学区划分权力是徘徊于法治的边缘。首先,对学区划分的行为性质进行全面的界定。其次,从制定主体和表现形式等方面实证分析了学区划分行为。再次,对学区划分的法规范依据和其它规范性依据进行考察。 第三部分对学区划分的文本中体现的实体原则进行考察和分析。首先,通过对笔者搜集的七城市的学区划分文件所体现的原则对学区划分的实体原则进行考察。其次,根据相关的学区划分文件的历年变化以及相关的报刊及报道分析行政机关在学区划分中存在的实体原则问题。再次,分析这些实体原则的问题与发展方向。 第四部分通过对学区划分文本的考察,分析学区划分的程序。首先,对当今的中小学学区划分程序进行考察。其次,通过对学区划分程序的考察,分析现行的学区划分程序的主要问题。再次,分析了教育行政部门在学区划分过程中存在的问题,并在此基础上分析了改革的思路。 第五部分提出建构学区划分主要法律制度的思路。首先,全面阐述了学区划分法治化的路径与思路。其次,将实体和程序两个原则确定为学区划分的法律原则。第三,明确了当前我国中小学学区划分的行政主体是教育行政部门,并对教育行政部门的权力和责任进行了界定。第四,提出了学区划分正当法律程序的建构,包括学区划分的过程、法律监督以及救济机制。 结语部分笔者提出学区划分乱象丛生的根本原因还是在于优质教育资源的稀缺以及分布的不合理等社会根源,将学区划分纳入法治轨道只能在现阶段最大限度的保证划分过程的公平公正,并不能从根本上解决问题。只有真正实现义务教育的均衡发展,并且使优质教育资源的覆盖范围不断扩大,才能从根本上解决学区划分过程中存在的问题。
[Abstract]:The compulsory Education Law of the people's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "the compulsory Education Law") stipulates the principle of dividing school districts in the compulsory education stage, such as students attending school without examination, and by going to school nearby. However, it does not specify how to implement these principles. In the absence of relevant legal regulations for the division of primary and secondary school districts in China, the division of school districts is chaotic and the interests of all parties are intertwined. Through the analysis of the legal problems existing in the administrative behavior in the course of the division of school districts, this paper intends to bring the division of primary and secondary school districts into the track of rule of law in order to carry out the division of school districts fairly and justly. Thus, the right to education of school-age children and adolescents can be effectively protected. The main structure of this article is as follows:. The first part puts forward the problems in the division of school districts. First of all, through the angle of the government, real estate developers, homeowners, parents and so on, it comprehensively explains the results of the multi-interest game in the division of school districts. Through the analysis of these chaotic phenomena to explain the scarce teaching resources, the unfair distribution of teaching resources and the attractiveness of commercial interests are the social root of these problems. Thirdly, from the perspective of education equity, balancing interests, preventing corruption, To protect the procedural rights and interests of the interested parties, it is pointed out that the division of school districts is in urgent need of legal governance. The second part expounds that the power of school district division is hovering on the edge of the rule of law. First, the behavior nature of school district division is comprehensively defined. Secondly, the behavior of school district division is empirically analyzed from the aspects of subject and form of expression. To the school district division law norm basis and other normative basis carries on the inspection. The third part investigates and analyzes the entity principle embodied in the text of the school district division. Firstly, it investigates the entity principle of the school district division through the principles embodied in the seven cities' school district division documents collected by the author. According to the changes of the relevant school district division documents and the related newspapers and reports, the paper analyzes the entity principle problems existing in the school district division of the administrative organs. Thirdly, the problems and development direction of these substantive principles are analyzed. The 4th part analyzes the process of the school district division through the investigation of the text of the school district division. Firstly, it investigates the current primary and secondary school school district division procedure. Secondly, through the investigation of the school district division procedure, This paper analyzes the main problems of the current school district division procedure. Thirdly, it analyzes the problems existing in the process of the school district division of the educational administrative department, and on this basis, analyzes the ideas of the reform. Part 5th puts forward the idea of constructing the main legal system for the division of school districts. Firstly, it comprehensively expounds the path and thinking of the legalization of the division of school districts. Secondly, it determines the two principles of entity and procedure as the legal principles of the division of school districts. This paper clarifies that the administrative subject of the division of primary and secondary school districts in China is the administrative department of education, defines the power and responsibility of the administrative department of education, and puts forward the construction of due process of law for the division of school districts, including the process of division of school districts. Legal supervision and relief mechanism. In the conclusion part, the author points out that the basic reason for the disorder of school districts is the scarcity of high-quality educational resources and the irrational distribution of educational resources. Bringing the school district division into the track of rule of law can only guarantee the fairness and fairness of the division process to the maximum extent at the present stage, and cannot solve the problem fundamentally. Only the balanced development of compulsory education can really be realized. Only by expanding the coverage of high quality educational resources, can the problems existing in the process of school district division be solved fundamentally.


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