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发布时间:2018-03-09 06:17

  本文选题:外资房地产 切入点:风险识别 出处:《中国科学院大学(工程管理与信息技术学院)》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:中国房地产业在住房制度改革以后,就进入高速发展阶段,并逐渐变成国民经济支柱产业之一。因为投资环境改善,并拥有潜力巨大的市场,以港澳台及东南亚地区为主的外资房地产公司以不同的投资渠道到中国发展。拥有先进的观念和管理模式的外资房地产公司的进入,会逼迫国内房地产公司以先进技术和设备、创新经营机制与管理理念来降低开发成本上下功夫,把产品做的更精细。然而,外资房地进入中国时间不长,正处于摸索阶段,面临着诸多风险,如信息不透明、政策不明确、人脉关系弱、不熟悉当地行情等。因此,为了避免风险发生,外资房地产需要对中国房地产市场进行风险分析,然后采取科学有效的方法预防风险。 本文首先介绍了外资房地产项目风险管理组织、过程等房地产目风险管理的基本概念和理论,并在此基础上引出了本文研究对象、内容、方法和技术路线。其次,通过对外资房地产现状及优劣势的理解,进一步分析了外资项目在整个房地产项投资过程中所面临的风险,主要是通过对投资决策阶段、土地获得阶段、建设阶段、物业租售管理阶段四个阶段的潜在风险进行识别,找到四个阶段的主风险因素后,再对主风险因素进行分析,找出主风险产生的原因,然后便构成项目全过程风险评价指标体系,该体系指标主要由目标层、准则层和指标层三级指标组成。同时,结合实际案例,对外资Y项目建立全过程风险评价指标体系,并利用层次分析法进行定量分析,计算出各指标的权重值,根据指标权重值的大小,可看出风险因数对项目的影响程度。最后,在前面分析、研究的基础上,对外资企业提出了进行房地产项目风险管理的对策和建议。
[Abstract]:After the reform of the housing system, China's real estate industry has entered a stage of rapid development and has gradually become one of the pillar industries of the national economy. Foreign-funded real estate companies, mainly from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and Southeast Asia, develop into China through different investment channels. The entry of foreign-funded real estate companies with advanced concepts and management models will force domestic real estate companies to use advanced technology and equipment. Innovative management mechanisms and management concepts to reduce development costs, to make the product more sophisticated. However, foreign premises into China for a short time, is in the groping stage, facing many risks, such as information is not transparent, policy is not clear, Therefore, in order to avoid the risk, foreign real estate needs to carry on the risk analysis to the Chinese real estate market, then take the scientific and effective method to prevent the risk. This paper first introduces the basic concepts and theories of risk management in foreign real estate projects, such as organization and process of real estate project risk management, and then leads to the research object, content, method and technical route of this paper. Based on the understanding of the current situation and advantages and disadvantages of foreign real estate, the paper further analyzes the risks faced by foreign investment projects in the whole process of real estate investment, mainly through the investment decision stage, land acquisition stage, construction stage. After identifying the main risk factors in the four stages of property rental management, the main risk factors are analyzed, and the causes of the main risks are found out. Then it constitutes the whole process risk evaluation index system of the project, which is mainly composed of the target level, the criterion layer and the index layer. At the same time, combined with the actual cases, the index system of the whole process risk evaluation is established for the foreign-funded Y project. The weight value of each index is calculated by using the analytic hierarchy process. According to the magnitude of the index weight value, the influence of risk factor on the project can be seen. Finally, on the basis of the previous analysis and research, This paper puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions for risk management of real estate projects for foreign-funded enterprises.


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