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发布时间:2018-03-09 15:40

  本文选题:房产税 切入点:影响因素 出处:《云南财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development of China's real estate related to price stability, improve people's livelihood, the problem of sustainable development and the local economy. In recent years, imbalances in the real estate market, including high prices, land supply is not balanced, the mismatch of resources and other issues, the change of economic structure and people's livelihood has caused. In many rounds in the macro-control, the Chinese government use of fiscal, financial, land policy and the restriction of the regulation, but the effect is limited. Since then the real estate tax reform caused a nationwide discussion and attention. Under the current tax system of real estate tax is unreasonable, the lack of local conflicts the main taxes are more and more prominent, theoretical and practical departments are advised to start the real estate tax reform to protect the local financial needs, to achieve national macro-control objectives. To improve the property tax reform, can effectively promote the rational allocation of China's real estate resources, gradually improve Our revenue, make it better for the public to provide public services. The reality is that the development of our country real estate tax system and real estate market itself is not consistent, and the new property tax reform has yet to advance its influence factors worthy of in-depth analysis. Firstly, theoretical research in theory to clarify the property the support of tax reform; secondly combed our previous property tax reform, the supply side reform on China's real estate industry is expounded, make clear the present situation of the development of the real estate market and the real estate tax; once again focus on analyzing all kinds of factors affecting the real estate tax reform measure, analysis of the factors that can produce impact on the real estate tax reform, we should deepen the reform, we must deeply analyze influence factors; finally, proposed to expand the scope of property tax reform, adjust the collection of objects, the implementation of progressive, in advance Reform ideas, and improve the relevant supporting facilities of real estate tax, so that it fully play a positive effect.



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