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发布时间:2018-03-10 07:33

  本文选题:土地储备 切入点:土地立法 出处:《南京农业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:As an innovation of our country's land system, the operation mechanism of urban land reserve is an important means for the urban government to monopolize the land market to obtain land income. From the aspects of theory and practice, this paper studies the institutional defects of the land reserve operation mechanism and improves the system design for the urban government. It is of great significance to make the operational mechanism of land reserve develop better in order to achieve the policy objective. This paper focuses on the main problems of the operation mechanism of land reserve, and combines theoretical analysis with case study. In 2002, Huai'an put forward its own views and policy suggestions. In order to solve the problems of non-standard land market transaction, unreasonable land income distribution, and improve the layout of urban structure, Huaian City implemented the land reserve operation mechanism in 2002. The first land reserve institution was established. Drawing on the experience of other cities, the land reserve policy of Huai'an mainly includes six policies: unified acquisition policy, unified reserve policy, unified supply policy, market operation policy, and fund concentration policy. The land reserve center of Huaian City is subordinate to the land management department, and the coordination efficiency of the land reserve work needs to be improved. Huai'an also needs to solve the problems of legislative and institutional construction. From the perspective of purchase land prices and operating costs, compensation fees are an important component of land prices. Although Huaian City has issued the benchmark land price, it is mainly pricing on demand. The ownership of land is not reflected in the land price. The Huai'an Municipal Government only injected 10 million yuan into the land reserve operation mechanism when the operation mechanism was started, and the rest of the funds needed all came from bank loans, which is consistent with the conclusion of the theoretical analysis. A single financing channel increases the risks and costs. The implementation of land reserves also causes the price of land in Huai'an to rise. When comparing Huai'an with Hangzhou, Nantong and Shanghai, the author found the legal basis for the increase in land prices. The vague understanding of purchase price is a common problem. Hangzhou's government is relatively prominent in its main position, and its operation effect is better. Due to its small demand for funds, the financial risk problem is not obvious in Shanghai. According to the analysis, it can be seen that, In the current land reserve operation mechanism of our country, the legal vacancy, the weakening of the government body, the vague understanding of the purchase price and the excessive financial risk are the urgent problems to be solved. The policy suggestions in this paper include: to establish and improve the legal system of land reserve in the laws and regulations related to land reserve, such as the Land Management Law, the Urban Planning Law, the Real Estate Management Law and other laws and regulations; Scientific definition of land use right, starting from the land ownership relationship to clarify the original land users compensation nature, compensation basis, how to compensate, referring to international practice, consider the overall economic development, reasonable distribution of land income; To explore a socialized financing mechanism and broaden the financing channels by means of government grants, bank loans, land proceeds, the issuance of land bonds and urban land funds, and asset-backed securitization. Establish a risk assessment system to effectively reduce the risks and costs of land reserves, strengthen the collaboration between the governments, and make land acquisition and reserves work with the entire city's economic development plans, land use plans, old city reconstruction plans, and real estate development plans, By organically combining the fund raising plan and so on, establishing a detailed target assessment system, directly decomposing all aspects of the operation of the land reserve into various departments, and unifying the ideas and actions of the relevant government departments with the will of the government. Reduce the cost of collaboration, reduce the land reserve in the rent-seeking and departmental implementation deviation.


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