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发布时间:2018-03-10 08:18

  本文选题:贷款结构 切入点:绩效 出处:《浙江大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国商业银行在促成混业经营的道路上走得非常谨慎,可以预见在不远的将来,存贷款利息差即利息净收入仍然会是我国商业银行的主要经营收入来源,而贷款也将持续成为银行经营收入的最重要支撑,贷款安全也是银行面临的首要问题。目前已有很多学者关于贷款结构对银行绩效的影响做出了研究,其中期限结构、担保结构、地域结构、行业结构和客户结构对绩效的影响最为明显。 本文参考了之前学者对贷款结构的划分,结合银行业第一手资料,对贷款结构进行了更加详实的分类,贷款可以按照业务类型、担保类型、地域、行业、期限、剩余期限与风险程度等进行分类。此外本文还将我国16家上市银行分为国有商业银行、股份制商业银行和城市商业银行,并对其各类别的贷款结构发展现状进行了说明,得出结论为按业务类型分类时公司贷款额度较大、个人贷款增长速度快;按担保类型分类时抵押贷款与信用贷款额度较大、增长速度较快;按地域分类时沿海发达地区的贷款额度较大,但欠发达地区的贷款增长速度较快;按行业分类时制造、能源、交通运输、房地产等行业额度较大;最后,贷款前十大客户的比例在逐年下降。 在实证中本文独创了业务结构、担保结构模型,借鉴并修改了前人关于贷款集中度、地域结构和行业结构的模型,得出结论如下:业务结构与担保结构的变化对银行绩效并没有太大影响;贷款集中度越大则绩效越小风险越大;向发达地区投放的贷款比例增加会使绩效下降;制造业、交通运输业等对绩效有负面影响,能源业、房地产业、建筑业、科教文卫等对绩效有正面影一响;最大十家客户贷款余额占比越大则绩效越大同时风险也越大。 结合我国目前的经济发展现状与本文的定性与定量分析,本文对商业银行经营发展给出如下建议:加大对欠发达地区的贷款投放力度、优化不同行业间的资金配置、适当加强对中小企业客户的贷款支持等,以期提高我国商业银行的经营绩效与竞争力。
[Abstract]:The commercial banks in our country have been very careful in promoting the mixed operation. We can foresee that in the near future, the difference in interest on deposits and loans, that is, the net income from interest, will still be the main source of operating income for commercial banks in China. Loan will continue to be the most important support for bank operating income, and loan safety is also the most important issue facing banks. At present, many scholars have made research on the impact of loan structure on bank performance, among which term structure. The effect of guarantee structure, geographical structure, industry structure and customer structure on performance is most obvious. In this paper, referring to the previous scholars' classification of loan structure, combining with the first-hand information of the banking industry, we have made a more detailed classification of the loan structure. Loans can be classified according to business type, guarantee type, region, industry, duration, etc. In addition, 16 listed banks in China are divided into state-owned commercial banks, joint-stock commercial banks and urban commercial banks. The conclusion is that the loan amount of the company is larger and the growth rate of the personal loan is fast when classified by the business type, the mortgage loan and the credit loan amount are larger and the growth rate is faster when classified by the guarantee type. When classified by region, the amount of loans in the developed coastal areas is larger, but the loan growth rate in the less developed areas is faster; the manufacturing, energy, transportation, real estate and other industries are larger in terms of industry classification; and finally, the amount of loans in the manufacturing, energy, transportation and real estate industries is relatively large. The proportion of the top ten customers is declining year by year. In the empirical example, this paper has created the business structure, guarantee structure model, used for reference and modified the previous models on loan concentration, regional structure and industry structure. The conclusions are as follows: the changes in business structure and guarantee structure have no great impact on bank performance; the greater the concentration of loans, the smaller the risk of performance; the higher the proportion of loans to developed regions, the lower the performance. Transportation has a negative impact on performance. Energy industry, real estate, construction, science, education, culture and health have a positive impact on performance. Combined with the present economic development situation of our country and the qualitative and quantitative analysis of this paper, this paper gives the following suggestions for the development of commercial banks: increasing the lending to underdeveloped areas and optimizing the allocation of funds among different industries. In order to improve the performance and competitiveness of Chinese commercial banks, we should strengthen the loan support to small and medium-sized enterprises.


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