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发布时间:2018-03-12 23:26

  本文选题:宏观调控 切入点:行业现状 出处:《复旦大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:改革开放以来,我国经济和对外贸易取得了举世瞩目的成就,中国钢铁工业一派繁荣,大小钢铁冶金铸造企业抓住发展的机遇实现了产能、产量和产品技术附加值的大幅度提高,形成了国有、地方、民营三头并进,全面互补的局面,并催生出了众多与之配套的民营服务型贸易公司。2001年12月中国加入世贸组织,入世对国家的外贸政策,企业的经营和人们的观念都带来了较大的冲击,高速的经济发展与资源、环境等瓶颈对中国经济约束的矛盾也日益突出,这样的大环境促使行业内震荡整合,以适应新的需求发展。 近几年来国家为规范铁矿石进口秩序,有关部门正计划进一步控制国内矿石贸易商数量,关闭产能低下,污染严重,产品技术含量低的小钢厂,小铁合金厂,兼并整合已形成颇具规模的地方性中型钢铁企业,铁合金企业。同时国家为控制房价而对房地产市场出台的一系列政策,如:国五条,新国五条,都直接影响市场对钢材的需求量。由此可以预见,随着国家对这一行业的政策调控和受市场需求量下降的影响,矿石价格将逐步下降,与此同时兼并后钢企的集中采购导致市场越来越规范化,留给中小矿产贸易商生存的空间会越来越小,而在铁矿石进口资质限制进一步收紧的压力之下,众多原从事进口铁矿石生意的中小贸易企业,纷纷走上了转型之路或者开始开拓新的销售渠道。全球性的经济危机对于中小型矿产资源贸易公司来说是危机也是机遇,可以快速从初级无序的恶性竞争中摆脱出来,寻找一种健康的新模式,与中国钢铁工业整体发展趋势相配套。 本公司自2006年创立以来,适逢生产资料贸易市场供需两旺的好时机,我公司把握好机遇,乘势发展壮大,在国内竞争激烈的矿产进出口贸易公司中占有了一席之地。在2008年金融危机之后,公司看到了这一契机决定顺势革新,提前做好新一轮的战略布局,以期逐步规范地占得先机,成为整个市场中具有自身鲜明特色且不可替代的新型矿产贸易型企业。 中小矿产贸易流通企业应从自身角度出发,对内提高综合实力;灵活运用先进的金融手段,规避由于市场价格波动引起的贸易风险;制定先进稳健的营销策略,致力于给钢铁冶金企业提供最优质的服务;对外寻找资源,严格控制投资风险,尽最大可能加深加强与资源供应商以及终端用户的相互的依赖程度,以求得与钢铁冶金业的良性长期健康发展同步前进。 国内钢铁行业的快速发展要求矿产等资源类生产资料配套供应能力也需要大幅提高。作为一家专业的矿产资源贸易公司,如何有效地利用国内外原材料采购资源,生产厂商资源,资金信用资源、物流整合资源,扬长避短,增强在激烈的市场竞争中的生存能力,这是一个急待解决的战略课题,也对自身企业的发展极具指导意义。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, China's economy and foreign trade have made remarkable achievements, and China's iron and steel industry has flourished, and large and small iron and steel metallurgical foundry enterprises have seized the opportunity to develop and realized their production capacity. The substantial increase in output and added value of products and technology has resulted in a situation in which the state-owned, local and private sectors go hand in hand and complement each other in an all-round way. In December 2001, China joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and gave birth to a large number of matching private service trading companies. China's entry into WTO has brought a great impact on the country's foreign trade policy, the management of enterprises and people's ideas, and the contradiction between the bottleneck of rapid economic development and resources, environment and other bottlenecks to China's economic constraints has become increasingly prominent. This kind of environment impels the industry to concussion conformity, in order to adapt to the new demand development. In recent years, in order to regulate the order of iron ore imports, the relevant departments are planning to further control the number of domestic ore traders and close small steel mills and small iron alloy plants with low production capacity, serious pollution and low product technology. Merger and integration have formed a fairly large number of local medium-sized iron and steel enterprises and ferroalloy enterprises. At the same time, the state has introduced a series of policies on the real estate market in order to control housing prices, such as five articles of the State, five articles of the new country, Both have a direct impact on the demand for steel in the market. From this, it can be predicted that the ore price will gradually decline as the state regulates and regulates the industry and is affected by the decline in market demand. At the same time, the centralized procurement of steel enterprises after the merger has resulted in the market becoming more and more standardized, leaving less and less room for the survival of small and medium-sized mineral traders, and under the pressure of further tightening of qualification restrictions on iron ore imports. Many small and medium-sized trading enterprises that were engaged in the iron ore import business have embarked on the road of transformation or started to open up new sales channels. The global economic crisis is a crisis and an opportunity for small and medium-sized mineral resources trading companies. It can quickly get rid of the vicious competition in the primary disorder and find a healthy new model, which can be matched with the overall development trend of China's iron and steel industry. Since its establishment in 2006, our company has taken advantage of the opportunity to develop and expand at the right time when the supply and demand of the trade market of the means of production is booming. In 2008, after the financial crisis, the company saw this opportunity to decide to reform the situation and make a new round of strategic layout in advance, with a view to gradually taking the lead in a standardized way. Become the whole market with its own distinctive characteristics and irreplaceable new type of mineral trading enterprises. Small and medium-sized mineral trade circulation enterprises should improve their comprehensive strength from their own point of view; flexibly use advanced financial means to avoid trade risks caused by market price fluctuations; and formulate advanced and steady marketing strategies. Committed to providing the highest quality services to iron and steel metallurgical enterprises, seeking resources for the outside world, strictly controlling investment risks, and deepening the degree of interdependence with resource suppliers and end users to the maximum extent possible, In order to achieve a sound long-term and healthy development of the iron and steel industry. The rapid development of domestic iron and steel industry requires that the supporting supply capacity of mineral resources and other resources production materials should also be greatly improved. As a professional mineral resources trading company, how to effectively utilize raw materials procurement resources at home and abroad, Manufacturer resources, capital credit resources, logistics integration resources, strengthen the survival ability in the fierce market competition, which is an urgent strategic issue to be solved, but also to the development of their own enterprises of great significance.


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