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发布时间:2018-03-13 08:27

  本文选题:商业地产 切入点:沈阳地区 出处:《大连理工大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:房地产市场经过十年调控,市场已经越来越规范和专业,行业整体水平不断提高,房地产开发企业也在不停的调控中适应不断变化的环境,重新做好企业发展方向规划和调整,在新的市场环境中,寻求自身的发展道路。 房地产企业现在的经营发展方向已不再是简单的开发建设出售获利,单一的开发方向受调控影响较大,现在的经营方向呈现以房地产为核心融合外围多种资源共赢发展的模式。例如,万科将成为城市运营服务商,建立自己的商业运营团队,将商业增值利润及运营利润作为项目后期盈利的重点。碧桂园集中拓展海外市场,实现留学、旅游、置业、投资等一条龙服务,满足高端客户相应市场需求。报业世鸿公司为了适应这一行业发展变化,也在不断寻找自身项目的突破点,文化创意产业的植入就是一种全新的尝试。因此,只有增强企业核心竞争力,制定出正确的市场营销策略,才能在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地。 本文研究的重点是以东方家园项目B92商街为对象,从理论和实际两个方面来探讨商业地产植入文化创意产业的营销策略。论文首先根据B92商街的基本情况及营销存在的问题,对房地产宏观环境进行分析,之后对B92商街,所在区域的商业产品市场需求、项目的资源与公司能力进行分析,发现不断变化中的市场所面临的机会和威胁,明确B92商街的优势和劣势。根据个人客户和企业客户的实际情况进行市场细分,在细分的基础上进行合理定位。最后,以市场营销等基本理论、基本方法为主要理论依据,采取定性和定量相结合、理论和实际相结合的分析方法,针对不同的目标市场采取差异化的市场营销策略,制定了相应的产品、价格、渠道、促销等市场营销策略组合,以期能为报业世鸿公司在未来不断创新变化的市场竞争中提供切实可行的思路和策略,最后,根据企业现有的情况提出营销组织的改进、营销人员的培训、营销代理的规范管理、营销费用的匹配等一系列改善措施,以保证企业的营销策略能够有效实现。 希望通过本文研究分析,能为B92商街在日益激烈的市场竞争中提供切实可行的营销策略,从而建立文化地产开发的新模式,提高企业知名度,增加商业地产开发的利润,实现差异化竞争,保持企业排他性竞争优势,同时也为其他文化地产开发企业提供价值参考。
[Abstract]:After 10 years of regulation and control of the real estate market, the market has become more and more standardized and professional, and the overall level of the industry has been continuously improved. The real estate development enterprises are also adapting to the changing environment in the constant adjustment and control, and doing a good job of planning and readjusting the development direction of the enterprises. In the new market environment, seek their own way of development. The development direction of real estate enterprises is no longer a simple development and construction sales profit, a single development direction is greatly affected by regulation and control. For example, Vanke will become a city operating service provider and set up its own business operation team. Business value-added profits and operating profits as the focus of the project's later profits. Country Garden focused on expanding overseas markets, to achieve the study abroad, tourism, home ownership, investment and other one-stop services, To meet the corresponding market needs of high-end customers. In order to adapt to the development and changes of this industry, Shihong is also constantly looking for a breakthrough point of its own projects. The implantation of cultural and creative industries is a new attempt. Only by strengthening the core competence of enterprises and formulating correct marketing strategies can they be invincible in the fierce market competition. The emphasis of this paper is to discuss the marketing strategy of commercial real estate implantation cultural creative industry from two aspects of theory and practice, taking B92 Commercial Street as the object. Firstly, according to the basic situation of B92 Commercial Street and the problems existing in marketing, The macro environment of real estate is analyzed, and then the market demand of commercial products in B92, the market demand of commercial products in the region, the resources of projects and the ability of companies are analyzed, and the opportunities and threats to the changing market are found. Make clear the advantages and disadvantages of B92 commercial street. According to the actual situation of individual customer and enterprise customer, carry on the market segmentation, carry on the reasonable position on the basis of the subdivision. Finally, take the marketing and other basic theories, basic method as the main theoretical basis, With the combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis, theory and practice, different marketing strategies are adopted for different target markets, and corresponding marketing strategies such as product, price, channel, promotion and so on are formulated. With a view to providing practical ideas and strategies for the newspaper industry Shihong Company in the market competition which is constantly innovating and changing in the future, finally, according to the existing situation of the enterprise, the improvement of marketing organization and the training of marketing personnel are put forward. A series of improvement measures, such as the standardized management of marketing agent and the matching of marketing expenses, are proposed to ensure that the marketing strategy of the enterprise can be realized effectively. Through the research and analysis of this paper, the author hopes to provide practical marketing strategy for B92 commercial street in the increasingly fierce market competition, so as to establish a new model of cultural real estate development, improve the visibility of enterprises, and increase the profits of commercial real estate development. It also provides value reference for other cultural real estate development enterprises.


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