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发布时间:2018-03-13 19:20

  本文选题:预售 切入点:远视消费者 出处:《合肥工业大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:With the rapid warming of the real estate market, in order to promote its sustainable and healthy development, a number of hot cities in the country have recently issued some real estate control policies, such as restricting loans and limiting purchases. Under the new situation, Based on the different market environment faced by real estate enterprises, especially in the case of strategic consumers' expected valuation changes in the future and the existence of return behavior, How to choose the pricing decision of the real estate market has become an urgent problem for many scholars and real estate merchants. Firstly, this paper summarizes the domestic and foreign academic research on pre-sale theory and return strategy. This paper assumes that the consumers in the market are hypersighted consumers. Based on the market supply and demand relationship, the valuation changes of commercial housing and whether there are new consumers, the paper constructs the objective utility function model of the two-stage sale of real estate. Through the analysis and study of the model, the pre-sale decision and the two-stage optimal pricing strategy of the real estate developer are obtained. The results show that if there are no new consumers in the market after the end of the pre-sale period, when the market is in a situation of appreciation, Consumers' valuation of commercial housing pre-sale and normal stage of sale and the capital effect coefficient of real estate developers have a direct impact on the pre-sale decision of real estate developers, and when the market is in a situation of decline, The return of goods by consumers becomes the main factor that affects the pre-sale decision and pricing of real estate companies. If new consumers are added to the market after the pre-sale phase is over, when the market is in a situation of appreciation, The influence coefficient of presale on normal consumption in the scenario where supply is greater than demand determines the pre-sale and pricing decision of real estate business. The new consumer does not affect the decision of real estate under the scenario where supply is smaller than demand; when the market is in a situation of decline, The influence coefficient of pre-sale and the return coefficient of consumers jointly determine the pre-sale and pricing decision of the real estate business, and the importance of the two is different in different situations.


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