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发布时间:2018-03-14 13:06

  本文选题:商业银行 切入点:个人住房贷款 出处:《吉林财经大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Since the reform of housing system in 1998, the real estate market of our country has developed rapidly from scratch. 20 years, The individual housing loan business of commercial banks provides huge financing support for the development of real estate market and national economy. The rapid development of individual housing loan business is accompanied by the increasing risk of default, especially in recent years. Against the background of deep real estate regulation in China, the risks of personal housing loans are gradually becoming apparent. It is of great theoretical and practical significance to carry out a thorough and meticulous study on it. This paper takes Changchun Branch of G Bank as the research object, first of all, by elaborating the concept, connotation, system and method of personal housing loan risk management, etc. It lays a theoretical foundation for the subsequent research on the risk management of individual housing loan in Changchun Branch of G Bank. Secondly, combining with the current situation of Changchun Branch of G Bank, Thirdly, based on the problems of risk management in the whole loan process of G Bank Changchun Branch, a series of solutions are put forward. For example, establishing a more strict supervision system of capital flow to developers, strengthening personnel training, introducing insurance guarantee mechanism, strengthening the electronic construction of banks, etc. Through the research of this paper, the risk control system of banks can be improved. To improve the ability of individual housing loan management and risk control, to ensure the healthy and stable operation of banks, and to promote the rapid development of banks.


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