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发布时间:2018-03-16 00:21

  本文选题:二线城市 切入点:房地产开发 出处:《华南理工大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:广东提出了“产业转移”和“劳动力转移”两大战略,即珠三角劳动密集型产业向东西两翼、粤北山区转移;而东西两翼、粤北山区的劳动力,一方面向当地二、三产业转移,另一方面其中的一些较高素质劳动力,向发达的珠三角地区转移。“双转移”战略的提出不仅为房地产向二线城市的转移指明了道路,更为房地产企业提供了强有力的政策支撑和保障。 目前国内诸如北京、上海、广州等一线城市的商品房开发已趋于饱和程度,土地整体获利空间不断减少且政府调控日益加紧,房地产开发在一线城市已经进入竞争异常激烈、增长速度缓慢的阶段。鉴于此,诸多具有前瞻性的房地产开发商将眼光从炙手可热的一线城市转移至二线城市。ZY集团于1999年10月注册成立,历经20余年的发展,已形成以建筑施工为基础,以房地产开发为龙头,以物业管理服务、园林绿化、水电安装、市政施工、房屋装饰为配套;以酒店、休闲旅游为新效益增长点的大型民营企业集团,ZY集团历经多年发展在房地产开发方面已在广州等一线城市取得了可喜的成绩,虽然房地产总体市场容量较大,但其增长速度已明显低于全国平均水平,一线城市的房地产利润空间正在被二线城市逐渐超越。 本文将采用理论研究与实证分析相结合的方法,以ZY集团为研究对象,在全面评估ZY集团战略、资源及能力的基础上,结合国内外当今一、二线城市的规划、建设、发展经验,系统探讨在二线城市发展房地产业的基本理论和发展趋势相关问题,并运用战略管理理论分析ZY集团房地产战略发展所面临的内、外部环境,优势及劣势,,得出ZY集团应将未来工作重心转移至二线城市都战略规划,制定出一套适合于ZY集团的二线城市房地产战略目标、意图及具体的战略措施,旨在为ZY集团房地产建设和发展提供有益的参考和借鉴。
[Abstract]:Guangdong has put forward two major strategies of "industrial transfer" and "labour transfer", namely, the transfer of labor-intensive industries in the Pearl River Delta to east-west and east-west mountain areas, while the east-west wings, the labor force in the northern Guangdong mountainous areas, on the one hand, are transferred to the local second and third industries. On the other hand, some of the higher quality labor forces are moving to the developed Pearl River Delta. The "double transfer" strategy not only points the way for the transfer of real estate to the second-tier cities, More real estate enterprises to provide strong policy support and protection. At present, commercial housing development in first-tier cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and so on, has become saturated, the overall profit space of land has been decreasing and government regulation and control has been increasingly tightened. Real estate development in first-tier cities has already entered the extremely fierce competition. In view of this, many forward-looking real estate developers have shifted their vision from the hot first-tier city to the second-tier city. ZY Group was registered in October 1999 and has been developed for more than 20 years. Has formed based on building construction, real estate development as the leading, property management services, landscaping, hydropower installation, municipal construction, housing decoration as a supporting; hotel, After many years of development, the large private enterprise group Guanzy Group, a large private enterprise group with leisure tourism as a new economic growth point, has made gratifying achievements in real estate development in Guangzhou and other first-tier cities, although the overall market capacity of real estate is relatively large. But its growth rate has been significantly lower than the national average, real estate profit margins in first-tier cities are gradually overtaken by second-tier cities. This paper will adopt the method of combining theoretical research with empirical analysis, take ZY Group as the research object, on the basis of comprehensive evaluation of the strategy, resources and ability of ZY Group, combined with the planning and construction of the first and second tier cities at home and abroad. The paper systematically discusses the basic theory and development trend of developing real estate industry in second-tier cities, and analyzes the internal and external environment, advantages and disadvantages of ZY Group real estate strategic development by using strategic management theory. It is concluded that ZY Group should shift the focus of its future work to the strategic planning of the second-tier cities and formulate a set of strategic targets, intentions and specific strategic measures for the second-tier cities, which are suitable for ZY Group. For ZY Group real estate construction and development to provide useful reference and reference.


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7 陈e鹺




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