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发布时间:2018-03-16 05:05

  本文选题:人力资源 切入点:管理改进 出处:《燕山大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:本文研究的主要目的是通过对冀东发展集团人力资源管理与发展战略的契合度研究,探索二者之间联系,探寻该企业在“十二五”乃至今后一段发展时期,在践行发展战略时力求规避人力资源风险,补充、完善企业发展战略,解决实际问题,为长期健康快速发展奠定坚实基础。针对此课题,采用综合分析与逻辑归纳相结合的方法、问卷调查分析法、图表及模型分析法、定量与定性结合等方法。 首先,对冀东发展集团面临的内外部环境进行分析,对其发展战略进行阐述,并通过对发展战略和人力资源管理的实施现状进行分析,为找准人力资源管理工作在发展战略中的位置和作用打下良好基础。 其次,通过问卷形式,,走访各个层面、各个岗位的代表,对人力资源与发展战略契合度进行调查。可以分析得出人力资源管理工作仍存在较多问题,是企业战略实施过程中的瓶颈和掣肘。 再次,总结归纳出企业的优势在于人力资源基础比较扎实,40-55岁龄段员工队伍技术、经验比较丰富,且较为稳定;问题较多,主要是企业转型发展过程中相关专业人才紧缺,35岁以下员工队伍不稳定,有能力、有技术的人才上升通道不顺畅,员工福利待遇远远低于市场同行业水平,绩效考核目标性较差并缺乏科学性、合理性等。 最后,在建设多业并举、科工贸一体的国际化企业集团的战略目标和指导思想实施中,立足水泥、商混、装备、房地产、矿业五大板块,着力改进人力资源问题,夯实人力资源管理基础,打造长远发展的竞争优势,为实现战略目标提供人力资源保证。
[Abstract]:The main purpose of this paper is to explore the relationship between human resource management and development strategy of Jidong Development Group, to explore the relationship between the two, and to explore the development period of the enterprise in the 12th Five-Year Plan and in the future. In carrying out the development strategy, we should try our best to avoid the human resource risk, complement and perfect the enterprise development strategy, solve the practical problems, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term healthy and rapid development. The methods of comprehensive analysis and logical induction, questionnaire analysis, chart and model analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis and so on are adopted. First of all, the internal and external environment facing the East Hebei Development Group is analyzed, and its development strategy is expounded, and the implementation status of development strategy and human resource management is analyzed. Lay a good foundation for finding out the position and role of human resource management in development strategy. Secondly, through the questionnaire form, visit each level, each post representative, carries on the investigation to the human resources and the development strategy correspondence degree. It is the bottleneck and constraint in the process of enterprise strategy implementation. Thirdly, it concludes that the advantages of the enterprise are that the human resource base is relatively solid and the age group of 40-55 years old is skilled, the experience is relatively rich and relatively stable, and there are many problems. This is mainly due to the shortage of relevant professionals in the process of enterprise transformation and development. The staff under 35 years of age are unstable, capable and skilled, and the channel of rising talent is not smooth, and the welfare benefits of employees are far lower than the level of the same industry in the market. The goal of performance appraisal is poor and lack of science and rationality. Finally, in the implementation of the strategic objectives and guiding ideology of building an international enterprise group that combines industry, science, industry and trade, we should base ourselves on cement, commercial mixing, equipment, real estate and mining, and focus on improving the human resources problem. Tamp the foundation of human resource management, create long-term development competitive advantage, and provide human resource guarantee for realizing strategic goal.


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