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发布时间:2018-03-16 21:43

  本文选题:房价 切入点:代际交叠 出处:《浙江大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:China real estate market since the housing reform is very rapid development, made a significant contribution to promote the growth of the national economy. However, in recent years, real estate prices continue to soar, and the trend of price regulation is the focus of the research. Based on the long-term trend of real estate market and influence as the research subject. Firstly, this paper in the analysis of the current situation of the real estate market China, combing the foundation of the classical literature of macro economy and real estate prices at home and abroad, construct an overlapping generations model to study the effect of two kinds of housing prices rise -- living driving effect and investment driven effect. The driving effect refers to the living, consumers buy home housing prices push effect. Accordingly, investment driven effect means that consumers purchase housing investment promoting effect on prices. After that, this paper chooses a calibration method, Method of measurement by empirical analysis on real estate price Chinese quantified simulation. The results show: first, the driving effect of rising property prices in the direct driving mechanism for driving effect and investors to residential investment, this combination can explain more than 95% of the China price growth, more than 60% of them are bring the investment driven effect of the price increase, compared to about 25% of the United States from second; by the enterprise TFP growth and capital output share is too high expectations for housing prices to the residents is indirect main factors affecting the excessive investment in real estate, residents' expectations for economic growth in addition to asset allocation means the lack of cause great pressure from the demand side, leading to excessive allocation of capital to real estate investment. Finally, theoretical research and empirical analysis based on the conclusion, combined with the recent political The relevant policies of the government and the mature experience of foreign countries have given the corresponding policy suggestions to the future development and direction of the real estate market in China.



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