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发布时间:2018-03-17 21:29

  本文选题:FDI 切入点:服务业 出处:《南京航空航天大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:服务业被誉为产业和市场发展的“黏合剂”。随着服务业的迅速发展,全球外商直接投资重点由制造业转向了服务业,服务业成为外商直接投资结构中的主流,随着安徽省服务业开放度逐渐提升,安徽省服务业吸引的外资也有了很大的增长,,但是安徽省利用FDI存在规模偏小、结构不合理等问题,因而研究安徽省服务业FDI的绩效,分析服务业各个具体行业利用外资与经济发展的关系如何,对于促进安徽省外资的发展以及外资结构的优化具有很重要的意义,对于安徽省经济发展也具有重要的现实意义。本文在服务业和外商直接投资相关经济理论的基础上,用计量经济学的相关理论深入分析了安徽省服务业外商直接投资与经济增长的关系,采用定性和定量相结合的方法,结合安徽省的实际情况和相关数据实证研究了安徽省服务业FDI的绩效,最后根据研究结论提出了相关对策建议。 本文首先介绍了研究的背景以及研究目的和意义,相关的研究方法、研究内容以及全文的框架,然后回顾总结了国内外相关的文献资料,学习了相关的FDI与经济增长的理论,探讨了FDI对经济影响的作用机理。第三章分析了安徽省外商直接投资的现状。主要是从安徽省FDI的区域分布、来源分布、结构分布等方面进行的分析,最后利用相关数据分析了安徽省FDI业绩指数,分析结果显示从2007年开始安徽省FDI业绩指数都是大于1的,说明安徽省近几年FDI对经济增长的贡献逐渐增大,通过对FDI的相关文献研究得出,现有的文献主要是从总量、作用机制、影响因素等方面进行研究的,本文为了进一步了解安徽省服务业各个具体行业FDI与经济增长的关系,第四章从总量和分行业两个角度进行了实证分析,利用格兰杰因果系研究安徽省服务业FDI总体与经济增长的关系得出,经济增长是FDI的格兰杰原因,最后本文选取了服务业的有代表性的四个行业进行了具体的实证分析,结果显示FDI在交运通讯和房地产两个行业是负的溢出效应,科研综合技术和批零餐饮是正的溢出效应,并且在批零餐饮行业的带动作用最明显。最后一章在前文的分析所得的结果基础上,从四个方面提出了相关的对策建议。
[Abstract]:Along with the rapid development of service industry, the focus of foreign direct investment in the world has shifted from manufacturing to service industry, and the service industry has become the mainstream of the structure of foreign direct investment. With the gradual improvement of the opening degree of service industry in Anhui Province, the foreign capital attracted by the service industry in Anhui Province has also increased greatly. However, there are some problems in the utilization of FDI in Anhui Province, such as small scale and unreasonable structure, so the performance of FDI in the service industry of Anhui Province has been studied. It is of great significance to analyze the relationship between the utilization of foreign capital and economic development in each specific industry of the service industry, which is of great significance to promote the development of foreign capital and the optimization of the structure of foreign capital in Anhui Province. It is also of practical significance for the economic development of Anhui Province. This paper is based on the economic theories related to service industry and foreign direct investment. The relationship between FDI in service industry and economic growth in Anhui Province is analyzed with econometric theory. The qualitative and quantitative methods are used to analyze the relationship between FDI and economic growth. Combined with the actual situation and relevant data of Anhui Province, this paper empirically studies the performance of service industry FDI in Anhui Province, and finally puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions according to the conclusion of the study. This paper first introduces the background, purpose and significance of the research, the relevant research methods, research contents and the framework of the full text, then reviews and summarizes the relevant literature at home and abroad, and studies the relevant theories of FDI and economic growth. Chapter three analyzes the current situation of foreign direct investment in Anhui Province. It mainly analyzes the regional distribution, source distribution and structure distribution of FDI in Anhui Province. Finally, the author analyzes the FDI performance index of Anhui Province by using relevant data. The results show that the FDI performance index of Anhui Province has been greater than 1 since 2007, which indicates that the contribution of FDI to economic growth in Anhui Province has gradually increased in recent years. Through the research on the relevant documents of FDI, it is concluded that the existing literature is mainly from the aspects of total amount, mechanism of action, influencing factors, etc. In order to further understand the relationship between FDI and economic growth in each specific industry of service industry in Anhui Province, Chapter 4th makes an empirical analysis from the angle of gross and industry, and studies the relationship between FDI and economic growth of service industry in Anhui Province by Granger causality system. It is concluded that economic growth is the Granger cause of FDI. Finally, this paper selects four representative industries of the service industry to carry on the concrete demonstration analysis, the result shows that the FDI is the negative spillover effect in the transportation communication and the real estate industry, the scientific research comprehensive technology and the batch zero catering is the positive spillover effect. The last chapter, based on the results of the previous analysis, puts forward the relevant countermeasures and suggestions from four aspects.


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