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发布时间:2018-03-18 00:35

  本文选题:住宅建设用地使用权 切入点:合同更新 出处:《大连海事大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The Law of the people's Republic of China on Real Rights stipulates that "the right to use residential construction land shall be automatically renewed after the expiration of the term." this provision has far-reaching significance for the protection of citizens' rights and interests in housing, but there are still many problems that remain unclear. If we want to fundamentally resolve the contradiction among land ownership, housing ownership and the right to use residential construction land in China, It is necessary to supplement and perfect the detailed rules for the implementation of the automatic renewal system. This paper mainly analyzes the legal problems existing in the renewal of the right to use residential construction land and puts forward corresponding countermeasures. This article is divided into four parts: the first chapter of the domestic residential construction land use right renewal issues related to the legal provisions are combed, using the historical analysis method to introduce the legislative situation of our country. This paper points out the shortcomings of the renewal rules and the unsolved problems. Then it summarizes the disposal methods of the renewal of the right to use residential construction land in European countries. The second chapter makes a summary of the residential construction from the perspective of legal theory. The issue of renewal of land use rights is analyzed in detail. It is clear that the legal basis for automatic renewal is the contract for the transfer of the right to use the state-owned construction land, and the essence of the renewal is the renewal of the legal relationship. At the same time, it is clear that the nature of the right to use the residential construction land is usufruct. This chapter is intended to pave the way for the following argumentation of the compensability and duration of the renewal. Chapter three mainly discusses the unsolved rules of "automatic renewal" of the Real right Law. The main contents include: whether the renewal is paid, The number and duration of renewal, the legal application of "residential business" and "residential business", etc., on the basis of combing the views of all parties, the comprehensive use of semantic analysis, logic analysis, etc. Comparative research methods and other legal research methods, as well as the theories of related disciplines such as law and economics, This paper makes a detailed theoretical analysis and practical investigation on the renewal of the right to the use of residential construction land. Chapter 4th discusses the specific suggestions on how to perfect the system of renewal of the right to use residential construction land. At the macro level, it should be based on the national conditions of our country. Give full play to the value of real estate, at the same time pay attention to the protection of the interests of the right to use land, respect the will autonomy of the obligee; at the micro level, to pay for the renewal of the principle, The minimum living area should be taken into account in the standard of renewal payment. The period of renewal should be based on the principle of one-time renewal and should be determined specifically between 50 and 70 years, instead of adopting the scheme of multiple renewal.


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