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发布时间:2018-03-18 07:33

  本文选题:生本能 切入点:死本能 出处:《辽宁大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:约翰·厄普代克是美国当代著名小说家和评论家。他的代表作兔子系列小说包括《兔子,跑吧》(1960)、《兔子归来》(1971)、《兔子富了》(1981)、《兔子歇了》(1990),获得过众多奖项。在兔子系列小说中,厄普代克描写了一个外号叫兔子的篮球运动员哈利·安斯特朗从20世纪50年代到20世纪80年代的生活经历。约翰·厄普代克出生于20世纪30年代。欧洲经济危机和第二次世界大战这两大事件对厄普代克的生活和心理均产生了重大影响。这些生活经历不仅让他感受到生活的艰辛与可贵,也让他感受到了死亡的无情与可怕。兔子系列的每一部小说中,都伴随着各种人物的出生和死亡,生死问题可谓是贯穿始终。厄普代克通过对生和死的描写,探寻人类的生存意义。 学者们从很多角度对兔子四部曲进行过研究,但是从生本能和死本能角度分析兔子系列小说的专著不多,且缺乏系统性。因此本文拟从弗洛伊德的生本能和死本能的角度来分析兔子系列小说,探究小说中人物潜在的生本能和死本能,以及生本能和死本能对小说中人物的影响。 在弗洛伊德看来,人类由互相冲突的两种本能所驱动,即生本能和死本能。生本能代表着创造和爱的力量。死本能实际上是生本能的另一极表现,它代表着破坏和恨的力量,其终极目的是从生命状态回复或倒退到先前的无机状态。弗洛依德指出生本能和死本能是一切行为的最终原因。 除引言和结论外,本文分为三大章,具体内容如下。 引言部分笔者首先介绍了厄普代克的文学成就、兔子系列小说的文学地位以及其国内外研究概况。其次,笔者简单介绍了兔子系列小说的基本内容。最后笔者解释了用弗洛伊德的生本能和死本能理论作为理论方法来研究兔子系列小说的原因并阐述了本论文的现实意义。 第一章笔者主要分析了兔子和詹尼斯的生本能。兔子感到死亡的威胁,内心深处的生本能促使他企图通过不停的跑步来延长自己的生命。与此同时,兔子无法抗拒垃圾食品的诱惑并不停地吃各种垃圾食品。尽管他的体重已经严重超标,但吃东西的过程使他觉得自己仍然活着。晚年时,兔子与儿媳普鲁发生的性关系也给兔子一种新生的感觉,使他重新体验到生命的美好。兔子的妻子詹尼斯在遭遇丈夫和情人的抛弃后,内心的生本能觉醒,决心不再依附于男人生活。她一改以往邋遢的形象,变得有活力和尊严。在兔子生病住院期间,詹尼斯学习房地产知识并成为一名职业女性,支撑起整个家庭的责任,因此获得了“重生”。兔子受性本能影响与多个女人发生关系,但他只关注自己的感受和需求,对于身边的女人并没有投入过多的感情,只是一味的从爱他的女人那里索取。 第二章笔者重点分析了兔子的死本能。兔子内心潜在的死本能有很多体现,,他经常想起死去的人,并将周围的许多事物与死亡联系在一起。兔子在身体死亡之前,其精神早已死亡。兔子逐渐丧失了其原有的反抗精神,满足于现状;兔子还失去了自由和归属感,即使最后终于拥有了属于自己的房子,但依然为内心的孤独感所萦绕。兔子的性本能也随之衰退了,在与女性的关系中兔子开始处于被动的地位。在经历了自己女儿,母亲等人的死亡后,兔子在死本能的指引下最终走向死亡。 第三章笔者对人类的生存与死亡问题进行了研究。厄普代克从小受牛皮癣和口吃的困扰,在母亲的鼓励下,厄普代克通过写作抒发自己的情感。最终他从困境中走出,并成为了一位杰出的作家。这实际是生本能战胜死本能的实例。根据弗洛伊德的理论,生本能对应着爱的情感,死本能对应着恨的情感。在兔子的家庭中,母子、父子、夫妻、情人之间,爱与恨的情感复杂地交织在一起。对于生存和死亡,人类存有复杂的态度。由于生本能的缘故,人类普遍关心和珍爱自己的生命;但又受死本能的影响,对他人的生命表现得冷漠和无情。同时,人类只关注自己的利益,使得以往的人情逐渐淡漠。 论文最后得出结论,通过借用弗洛伊德的生本能和死本能理论分析厄普代克的兔子系列小说,可以透过生存和死亡两个方面看到厄普代克想要表达的对于整个人类生存和死亡的思考。小说中人物经历的事情,将来也可能发生在每个人身上。兔子经历的苦恼和挣扎对读者有所启示。读者可以通过反省自己,确立正确的精神导向,寻找自我价值。
[Abstract]:John Updike is a famous contemporary American novelist and critic. His masterpiece of Rabbit series including "rabbit, run (1960) >, < return > rabbit (1971)," rabbit is rich (1981) > >, < rabbit at rest (1990), won numerous awards. In a series of small rabbit said. Updike describes a nickname rabbit basketball player Harry Anstrand from 1950s to 1980s life experience. John Updike was born in 1930s. It has significant influence of European economic crisis and world war second of the two events of Updike's life and psychology. These experiences not only let him feel the hardships of life and is also let him feel death cruel and terrible. Each novel rabbit series, are accompanied by various characters of birth and death, life and death is a problem throughout Updike explores the meaning of human existence through his description of life and death.
Scholars from many angles to the four steps of the rabbit, but the rabbit series analysis from birth instinct and death instinct of books is not much, and lack of system. So this paper from Freud's life instinct and death instinct of Rabbit series, sounding characters in the novels by instinct and potential the death instinct, and influence the life instincts and the death instinct of the characters in the novel.
In Freud's view, the human instinct driven by two conflicting, namely life instinct and death instinct. Life instinct represents the strength of creativity and love. The death instinct is actually another performance of life instinct, it represents the destruction and hate strength, the ultimate aim is to reply or back to the previous state of inorganic from the life state. Floyd refers to the ultimate cause of birth and death instinct instinct is all behavior.
In addition to the introduction and conclusion, this article is divided into three chapters, and the specific contents are as follows.
The introduction part firstly introduces Updike's literary achievements, rabbit novels literary status as well as its domestic and international research situation. Secondly, the author introduces the basic content of Rabbit series. Finally the author explains Freud's life instinct and death instinct theory as a theoretical method to study the reason of Rabbit series and elaborated the significance of the article.
The first chapter mainly analyzes the rabbit and Janice life instinct. The rabbit felt the threat of death, heart of life instinct prompted him to keep running through the attempt to extend their life. At the same time, the rabbit could not resist the temptation to eat junk food does not stop eating all kinds of junk food. Although his weight has been seriously exceed the standard. But eat to make him feel that he is still alive. Later, the rabbit and the daughter-in-law Pulu sex also gave the rabbit a new feeling, causes him to experience the beauty of life. The rabbit's wife Janis in the event of a husband and lover abandoned, heart instinctive awakening, determined not to cling to a man in life. She changed the dirty image, energetic and dignity. During the period of the rabbit is sick in hospital, Janice to learn the knowledge of real estate and become a female occupation, to support the whole family Because of the responsibility of the court, it gained the "rebirth". The rabbit's sexual instinct influenced the relationship with many women, but he only focused on his feelings and needs, and he didn't put too much affection on the women around him. He just asked for it from his loved ones.
The second chapter focuses on the analysis of the death instinct of the rabbit. The rabbit heart has a lot of potential death instinct reflected, he often thinks of the dead, and many things around and death together. The rabbit before their death, the spirit has already died. The rabbit has gradually lost its original spirit of revolt, satisfied with the status quo rabbit; also lost their freedom and a sense of belonging, even if finally have their own house, but still haunted the inner loneliness. Rabbit's instinct will decline, in relation with women in the rabbit started in a passive position. After her daughter, the mother's death. The rabbit to eventually died in the death instinct under the guidance.
The problem of human survival and death were studied. The third chapter from Updike by psoriasis and stuttering problems, encouraged by his mother, Updike by writing to express their feelings. Finally he walked out from the predicament, and became an outstanding writer. This is an example of real life instinct defeat death instinct according to Freud's Theory of life instinct corresponds to the emotion of love, death instinct corresponds to hate emotions. In rabbit's family, mother, father, husband, lover, feelings of love and hate intertwined. The life and death of human beings, the attitude of the complex. Because of the sake of instinct generally, care and cherish their own lives but also by the influence of human beings; death instinct, the lives of others was cold and ruthless. At the same time, people only pay attention to their own interests, makes the human feelings gradually indifferent.
The paper finally draws the conclusion, through the use of Freud's life instinct and death instinct theory analysis of Rabbit series of novels of Updike, through the two aspects of life and death to see Updike want to express the thinking about the human survival and death. People experience things in the novel, for everyone may experience a rabbit in the future. Misery and struggle for readers inspiration. Readers can reflect on their own, to establish the correct orientation, looking for self value.



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