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发布时间:2018-03-19 05:19

  本文选题:房地产开发企业 切入点:项目管理层 出处:《西南交通大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近年来,经不起市场考验的房地产开发企业的经济效益大幅下滑,根本问题集中于项目管理层执行力方面。令人遗憾的是房地产开发企业缺乏比较系统化的项目管理层执行力结构体系,原因在于对项目管理层所具有的执行要素缺少客观的综合分析,弱化了项目管理层执行力,导致项目绩效目标难以顺利实现。目前,对于房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力的理论研究还是一个全新的领域,逐渐成为一个热门的研究方向,国内外学术界关于这方面的实证研究很是缺乏,特别是系统化地深入研究。 关于系统化地研究房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力问题还是一个全新的视角,国内鲜见综合考量从房地产开发企业项目管理层组建时招聘执行力强的人员、项目建设过程中评判项目管理层执行力强弱到项目管理层执行力各维度对项目绩效影响的系统化研究。本研究理论价值在于能够从房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力的角度来提高项目绩效的策略提供理论支撑,为房地产开发企业完善项目人力资源管理模块提供理论依据,有利于丰富房地产开发企业项目人力资源管理理论;实践意义在于构建切实可行的房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力结构体系以及挖掘其对项目绩效产生影响的成果可以应用于实践,为房地产开发企业项目管理层提升有关执行力各维度的相关能力起到指导作用,提高企业市场竞争力和经济效益。 本研究内容是根据笔者在房地产开发企业从事项目管理工作的实践,核心内容是将房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力的5个维度与项目任务绩效和关系绩效等潜变量纳入一个模型中,通过对中国9家房地产开发企业分布在国内各个城市的项目管理层进行市场调查,共收集有效问卷270份,采用有关统计分析软件如SPSS11.5和LISREL8.70,数据分析表明测量问卷的同质信度和结构效度均取得了较好的效果,结构模型拟合观测数据的各指标均满足要求。 综上所述,研究结论如下: (1)开发了《房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力正式调查问卷》、《房地产开发企业项目绩效正式调查问卷》。这两个量表的完成有利于构建切实可行的房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力结构体系,以及该体系与项目绩效的影响关系研究奠定了基础性作用。 (2)揭示了房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力具有五维度结构,即领悟能力、计划能力、指挥能力、督导能力和创新能力。 (3)研究表明房地产开发企业制定不低于市场均衡价格且低于项目管理人员自身的评价价格,并经过第二轮的提高薪酬,原来主动放弃的乙方重新被选聘的规则能够较好地选择到执行能力较强的项目管理层人员;另外,经过研究表明,项目管理人员的执行能力越高,项目管理人员选择受惩罚水平也越高,项目经理可以通过观测项目管理层人员选择高的惩罚水平来判断其执行能力也高,进而判断出该项目管理层人员的自身价值也高。 (4)揭示了房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力五个维度对项目绩效的影响程度存在差异。房地产开发企业项目管理层执行力中的计划能力对项目任务绩效影响最大,而指挥能力和督导能力对项目任务绩效影响不显著。另外,计划能力、指挥能力和督导能力均对项目关系绩效产生积极的正向影响,而指挥能力对项目关系绩效影响最大,而领悟能力和创新能力对项目关系绩效的影响不显著。 (5)研究表明房地产开发企业项目管理层的指挥能力对项目任务绩效的影响是以项目关系绩效为中介产生作用的;房地产开发企业项目管理层的督导能力对项目任务绩效不存在直接显著影响,而是通过项目关系绩效对项目任务绩效产生显著正相关影响。房地产开发企业项目关系绩效对项目任务绩效具有显著正相关的影响。 基于上述研究成果,给出了基于全面执行力管理思想来提升项目管理层执行力,以及基于执行力来提高项目整体绩效的政策建议。
[Abstract]:In recent years, the market test of the real estate development enterprise's economic benefits fell sharply, the fundamental problem of centralized execution in project management. Unfortunately the lack of real estate development enterprise project management systematic execution structure, reason lies in the implementation of the project management, the lack of comprehensive objective analysis, the weakening of the project management of the executive power, resulting in the project performance difficult to realize. At present, the theoretical study of the real estate development enterprise project management execution is still a new field, has gradually become a hot research direction, the empirical research about this aspect is the lack of academic circles at home and abroad in particular, the research into the system.
A systematic study on the real estate development enterprise project management execution problem or a new perspective, a comprehensive consideration of domestic rare form from the real estate development enterprise project management personnel recruitment and strong execution, implementation force to the project management execution system of the various dimensions of the project performance evaluation project the management of the project construction process. The theoretical value is the execution of real estate development enterprise from the project management point of view to improve project performance strategy to provide theoretical support, provide a theoretical basis for the real estate development enterprises through human resources management module of good projects, enrich the theory of human resources management of enterprises engaged in real estate development projects; the practical significance lies in the construction of feasible real estate development enterprise project management execution system and the structure of mining on project performance The results can be applied to practice, and play a guiding role in improving the related capabilities of all dimensions of the executive force for the real estate development enterprises, so as to improve the market competitiveness and economic benefits of enterprises.
The content of this study is based on the practice of the author engaged in project management in the real estate development enterprises, the core content is the real estate development enterprise project management execution of the project and the 5 dimensions of task performance and contextual performance variables into a model, based on Chinese 9 real estate development enterprises in the project management each layer of city domestic market survey, 270 valid questionnaires were collected, using statistical analysis software such as SPSS11.5 and LISREL8.70, the data analysis shows that the reliability and structure validity questionnaire have achieved good results, the index structure model fit the observed data can meet the requirements.
To sum up, the conclusions are as follows:
(1) the development of the "real estate development enterprise project management execution and formal questionnaire >, < project of real estate development enterprise performance. The formal questionnaire of the two questionnaires completed is conducive to building a viable real estate development enterprise project management execution system, laid the foundation of the study on the effect of the relationship and the system and the performance of the project.
(2) it reveals that the executive power of the project management layer of real estate development enterprise has five dimension structure, namely comprehension ability, planning ability, command ability, supervision ability and innovation ability.
(3) study shows that real estate development enterprises to make evaluation of not less than the market equilibrium price and lower than the project management personnel own price, and after second rounds of wages, the original party take the initiative to give up the re hiring rules can choose to implement strong abilities of project management personnel; in addition, the study showed that the project management personnel to carry out the higher ability, project management personnel punished higher levels, the project manager can through the observation project management personnel to choose high punishment level to judge their executive ability is high, and then determine the project management personnel's value is high.
(4) reveals the real estate development enterprise project management execution and influence are the five dimensions of the project performance difference. The real estate development enterprise project management execution plan in the capacity of the largest impact on project performance, but not significantly affect the ability to command and supervision capability of project task performance. In addition, plan ability, command and supervision capability have positive effects on the relationship between project performance, and the ability to command on the project performance impact, but not significantly affect the understanding ability and the innovation ability of the project performance.
(5) studies show that the impact of real estate development enterprise project management's ability to command project task performance is to project performance as the intermediary effect; real estate development enterprise project management supervision ability does not have a direct effect on task performance, but through the project performance has a significant positive impact on related projects the task performance. The project of real estate development enterprise performance has significant positive impacts on the project performance.
Based on the above research results, we give a policy suggestion based on the comprehensive execution management idea to improve the executive ability of project management and improve the overall performance of the project based on execution.



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