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发布时间:2018-03-19 07:12

  本文选题:大连万达集团 切入点:多元化战略 出处:《首都经济贸易大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:The development of the real estate industry has now entered the silver era, the national economic development has been driven mainly by innovative elements, and innovation has been placed at the core of the overall situation of national development. If real estate enterprises want to achieve sustainable and stable development, they must take the market as the guide. In order to summarize the experience of Dalian Wanda Group's diversification strategy development, we should take the opportunity of innovation, combine the advantage industry and upstream and downstream business chain of our own development, and take the path of diversification strategy development. Effectively promote the improvement of other domestic real estate and optimize the diversification strategy of enterprises. Here we take the diversification strategy theory as our guiding theory, and study the relevant literature of Dalian Wanda Group diversification strategy. Through reading the official website of Dalian Wanda Group, combing the overall development course of Dalian Wanda Group, analyzing the motive and concrete content of Dalian Wanda Group implementing diversification strategy development, we can understand the diversification of commercial products and industries of Dalian Wanda Group. Further analysis of the implementation characteristics of Dalian Wanda Group diversification strategy development model. Through analysis, this paper draws the following five main conclusions: 1) grasp the main direction of enterprise development, accurately locate. Rational design of product. 3) focus on science and technology, input of information elements, integration of resources. 4) combining with regional cultural characteristics, highlight the development of Chinese element. 5) diversification. The success of the business model of Dalian Wanda Group has been recognized by the whole industry, although the business model of Dalian Wanda Group is difficult to be easily imitated and copied. However, Dalian Wanda's successful development experience and its business model still have good reference significance for most companies to innovate business model. 1) to learn from the innovation of Wanda cultural industry, especially the ability of multi-factor integration. Focus on scientific and technological input, integrate global resources, highlight Chinese cultural elements. 2) accurate business orientation. 3) focus on information investment to achieve big data.


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