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发布时间:2018-03-19 09:55

  本文选题:公共租赁住房 切入点:租金定价模型 出处:《华中科技大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:近十年来国民经济的高速发展举世瞩目,与此同时也出现了城镇人口不断膨胀和房地产价格持续上涨等一系列亟需解决的问题,各城市中低收入家庭住房困难问题成为关注的焦点。虽然我国已经初步完成了住房保障体系的建立,但是因为起步晚、政府资源有限、保障范围狭窄,,还有数量庞大的“夹心层”人群游离于住房保障体系之外。于是,公共租赁住房作为我国政府提出解决“夹心层”住房问题的一个新举措应运而生。然而公共租赁住房的供给十分有限,如何有效利用私人租赁市场来提供更多地低成本的供给成为理论关注的问题。 本文首先介绍了国内外对公共租赁房的研究现状,从供给、需求和均衡三个方面分析了目前我国租赁市场的现状以及与公共租赁融合,即形成租赁市场一体化所需要的条件。提出从租金定制上来探讨一体化租赁市场的内在机制,本文选取3个典型的城市如重庆、常州、深圳的公共租赁住房的租金定价模式进行案例分析,总结出目前我国施行的租金定价模式,比较了其优缺点,提出租金定价是以公共租赁住房的综合造价和市场价格共同决定的,并运用该模型对郑州的公共租赁住房的租金制定进行了验算,最后提出相关建议如公共租赁房租金的定制应该因地制宜。
[Abstract]:The rapid development of the national economy in the past ten years has attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, a series of problems urgently need to be solved, such as the continuous expansion of the urban population and the rising real estate prices. Housing difficulties of low- and middle-income families in various cities have become the focus of attention. Although China has initially completed the establishment of a housing security system, due to the late start, the government resources are limited, and the scope of security is narrow. There are also a large number of "sandwich layer" people outside the housing security system. Public rental housing, as a new measure proposed by our government to solve the housing problem of "sandwich layer", has emerged as the times require. However, the supply of public rental housing is very limited. How to effectively utilize private leasing market to provide more low-cost supply has become a theoretical concern. This paper first introduces the research status of public rental housing at home and abroad, analyzes the current situation of China's rental market from three aspects of supply, demand and equilibrium, and integrates with public rental. In this paper, three typical cities, such as Chongqing and Changzhou, are selected to discuss the internal mechanism of the integrated leasing market. This paper analyzes the rental pricing model of public rental housing in Shenzhen, summarizes the current rent pricing model in China, and compares its advantages and disadvantages. It is put forward that rent pricing is determined by the comprehensive cost and market price of public rental housing, and the model is used to check and calculate the rent of public rental housing in Zhengzhou. Finally, some suggestions are put forward, such as the customization of rent of public rental housing should be adapted to local conditions.


中国期刊全文数据库 前10条

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中国重要会议论文全文数据库 前2条

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中国重要报纸全文数据库 前10条

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中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条

1 刘快军;公共租赁住房建设的匹配机制研究[D];重庆大学;2010年

2 杨洁;公共租赁住房建设中的政府责任研究[D];山东经济学院;2011年

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7 叶力玮;公共租赁住房法律制度研究[D];西南政法大学;2011年

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10 杨虹;浅析公共租赁住房法律制度[D];华东政法大学;2011年




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