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发布时间:2018-03-19 11:07

  本文选题:住宅承租人 切入点:适度租金控制 出处:《西南政法大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:我国住宅自有化率和住宅租赁率长期处于严重失衡状态。我国租赁市场不发达的原因有多方面,包括政策影响、民族心理等,但是最重要的原因是当前我国对承租人权益保障不力,未能培育出租赁双方通过博弈达到均衡状态的市场。笔者针对该现实问题,将聚焦点放在住宅租赁领域,探索通过加强住宅租赁市场调控,强化住宅承租人权益保护,兼顾出租人利益,进而激发租赁市场活力,促进住宅租赁市场健康发展,发挥住宅租赁市场满足人们居住需求的潜力。 本文始终以承租人权益保护为主线,兼采统计分析法、价值分析法以及比较分析法等法学研究方法,分别从住宅承租人权益受损状况及原因审视、承租人权益特殊保护的理论基础以及承租人权益保护具体制度构建等方面进行研究。 本文共分为四个部分: 在第一部分,笔者着力从住宅承租人权益受损状况与承租人权益保障不力的原因分析两个维度清晰展现当前住宅租赁实践中存在的问题,为后文的承租人权益特殊保护理论基础探讨和具体制度构建奠定基础。通过检索相关新闻、文献和数据,笔者总结出租赁市场存在出租房源少与房屋空置状况并存、租金偏离正常市场水平、房地产中介行为失范、租赁关系稳定性差以及押金收取抵扣混乱等现象。笔者通过分析得出,住宅承租人权益受损严重的根本原因在于住宅承租人特殊保护理念缺位。同时,适度租金调控机制和押金收抵规制制度欠缺、租赁合同期限制度不合理以及承租人权益保护配套制度匮乏等是导致住宅承租人权益受损的重要法律原因。以上因素导致社会被动性租房特征明显,而主动性租房动力不足,损害了承租人住宅权的保障,制约了住宅租赁市场与房屋买卖市场的均衡发展。 在第二部分深入探究了承租人权益特殊保护的理论基础。适度突破目前续租租金自由协商、押金收抵和合同期限“意思自治”的法律规定,主张加强住宅租赁市场调控,偏重住宅承租人权益保护,这需要坚实的理论基础作支撑。笔者从宪法学、经济法学、民法学以及租赁双方地位不对等性四个方面论证加强承租人权益保护是国家承担公民住宅权保障义务的必然要求,是贯彻社会整体效益最大化的社会本位理念的体现,是所有权人动态行使所有权应当负担的社会义务,是矫正租赁双方失衡市场地位的必要手段。 在第三部分探索构建我国住宅承租人权益保护具体制度。为践行住宅承租人权益特殊保护理论,着力解决第一部分中体现的承租人权益保障不力的难题,需要完善承租人权益保护的相关具体制度。该部分的主要内容有:一是构建全方位的租金调控体系,坚持初始租金市场决定、续租租金适度调控,加强房地产中介从业行为调控,增设房屋空置税种并且提高住宅租赁税起征点,形成调控租金的组合拳机制,保持租金水平稳定;二是改革现行租赁合同期限制度,施行附优先续租权合同为主,,普通定期限租赁合同为辅制度,从而保障租赁合同的相对稳定性;三是完善押金制度,明确押金数额收取数额、押金担保债务范围以及押金抵扣返还时间和出示详细抵扣清单的程序,明确违反押金规定应当承担的责任;四是建议完善房屋租赁管理制度,建议由出租人单方承担申请房屋租赁登记的义务,租赁管理部门充分发挥调处租赁纠纷职能,降低租赁纠纷解决成本。 第四部分为结语。笔者在总结全文的基础上指出构建住宅承租人权益保护制度在完善住宅租赁市场、促进社会和谐稳定方面的重要价值。
[Abstract]:China's homeownership rate and residential rental rate in a serious imbalance of long-term rental market in China. The reason is not developed in many aspects, including policy, national psychology, but the most important reason is the current our country to protect the rights and interests of the lessee is ineffective, failed to foster a rental through the game the two sides reached equilibrium market. Aiming at this realistic problem, will focus on the field of residential rental, explore the residential rental market by strengthening regulation, strengthening housing tenant rights protection, taking into account the interests of the lessor, and further stimulate the vitality of the rental market, and promote the healthy development of the residential rental market, play to meet the people's living needs of residential rental market potential.
This paper has always been to the lessee for the protection of rights and interests, and adopt the statistical analysis method, value analysis, comparative analysis and other research methods of law, examine respectively the lessee interests from residential damaged condition and the reason, the study of the basic theories of tenant rights special protection and the protection of tenant rights specific system construction and other aspects.
This article is divided into four parts:
In the first part, the author focus on the analysis of tenant rights from the lessee housing damage status and protection of the rights and interests of the failure of the two dimensions clearly show the current residential rental building problems in the practice, which lays the foundation for later tenant rights protection theory and concrete system structure. Through searching related news, literature and data the author summarizes the existing rental market, rental housing and housing vacancy situation less coexist, deviate from the normal rental market level, real estate intermediary Behavior Anomie, lease stability and deposit deductible chaos phenomenon. Through the analysis, the residential lessee damages the interests of the basic reason lies in the absence of special protection residential tenant at the same time, the appropriate rent regulation mechanism and deposit income against regulation lack, the lease period is not reasonable and the system of human rights protection Support supporting system is an important cause of lack of legal cause of housing tenant rights damaged. The above factors lead to social passive housing characteristics, and initiative rental power shortage, damage to the lessee housing rights, restricting the balanced development of the residential rental market and the sale of housing market.
In the second part of the in-depth study of the theoretical basis of tenant rights special protection. Currently rent free lease breakthrough negotiation, legal provisions and contract term deposit income against the "autonomy", advocated the strengthening of the residential rental market regulation, emphasis on housing tenant rights protection, which requires a solid theoretical foundation for support. The author from the constitutional law economic law, civil law, and four leasing their unequal status demonstration to strengthen the protection of tenant rights is an inevitable requirement of national security obligations bear citizens' right of residence, is the embodiment of carrying out the whole social benefit maximization of the social standard idea, is the owner of dynamic ownership should be the burden of social obligations, is a necessary means correction of both leasing market position. The imbalance
In the third part, explore the construction of China's housing tenant rights protection system. The specific theory of human rights special protection for the practice of housing, efforts to solve the tenant rights embodied in the first part of the problem of inadequate protection, the need to improve the protection of tenant rights related to the specific system. The main content of this part is: one is the rent control system full range, adhere to the original rental market rent, lease and appropriate control to strengthen the regulation of real estate intermediary business activities, additional taxes and improve residential rental housing vacancy tax, rent control combined formation mechanism of gold, to maintain stable rents; two is to reform the current lease contract system, the implementation of the priority to renew this contract based, supplemented by ordinary time limit system of the lease contract, so as to ensure the relative stability of the lease contract; the three is to improve the deposit system, clear deposit The amount of charge amount, the deposit guarantee program debt and deposit receipts return time and produce a detailed deduction list, a clear violation of the provisions of the deposit shall bear the liability; four is proposed to improve the housing rental management system, proposed by the lessor unilateral application for rental housing registration obligations, lease management and give full play to the mediation function of lease disputes, resolve to reduce the cost of the lease disputes.
The fourth part is epilogue. On the basis of summarizing the full text, the author points out that building residential tenant rights and interests protection system is of great value in improving the housing rental market and promoting social harmony and stability.



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