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发布时间:2018-03-20 03:06

  本文选题:AL房地产集团 切入点:房地产 出处:《山东大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:AL房地产集团是一家由七个城市房地产公司、一个设计研究院和一个物业公司组成的区域性房地产集团。业务开展主要在河北、河南和山东三省;集团总人数913人,总资产34亿元,资产负债率为58%;产品线涵盖住宅和商业等业态;产业价值链正在向下游的施工及商业运营打通,逐步进入快速发展的通道。 AL房地产集团面临的外部机会有:国内经济总值持续增长,国家刺激内需,经济整体对房地产行业依赖性强,城镇化率继续提高,行业没有经过产品维度的充分竞争,客户消费观念升级,差异化需求增长;同时AL房地产集团面临的威胁主要体现在以下几点:世界经济处于下行期,中国经济面临结构性调整,调整期会形成过度价格竞争,短期内行业调控力度大,行业资源和市场集中度高。 AL房地产集团的优势主要表现在:良好的企业文化背景,共同的价值观,较为完善的组织结构和制度,相对稳固坚实的人力资源基础,良好的地域性品牌知名度,较强的采购吸引力,独特的分销渠道及产品推广能力,完整的土地获取渠道建设和关系确立,客服开发带来的客户粘性较强,全面成本控制能力;AL房地产集团内部的劣势:融资规模和渠道没有形成有效供给,产品研发没有形成成熟有竞争力的产品序列,绩效考核指标设定不科学导致经营不聚焦,评估决策未来性不强。 经过以上分析和评价得出结论:AL房地产集团应该实施差异化竞争战略,实施产品设计、土地获取、融资、营销、客户服务等五项差异化措施,从而有效区别于竞争对手,获得超额利润。 为保证战略有效执行制定了支持性保障措施:一是重新搭建组织结构,实施混合型矩阵式结构,将设计研发、营销、融资、土地获取收归集团集中建设能力和开展业务;二是塑造AL企业文化,建设与促进战略文化体系;三是提升人力资源体系建设,搭建合理的专业化人才结构;四是健全控制系统,有效保障战略落地。
[Abstract]:Al Real Estate Group is a regional real estate group consisting of seven city real estate companies, a design institute and a property company. The business is mainly carried out in Hebei, Henan and Shandong provinces; the total number of the group is 913. The total assets are 3.4 billion yuan, the ratio of assets to liabilities is 58%; the product line covers residential and commercial forms; the industrial value chain is opening up to the construction and commercial operation downstream, and gradually entering the fast developing channel. The external opportunities faced by AL Real Estate Group include the sustained growth of the gross domestic economy, the stimulation of domestic demand by the state, the strong dependence of the economy as a whole on the real estate industry, the continued increase in the urbanization rate, and the fact that the industry has not experienced sufficient competition in the product dimension. At the same time, the threat to AL Real Estate Group is mainly reflected in the following points: the world economy is in a downward period, China's economy is facing structural adjustment, and the adjustment period will result in excessive price competition. Short-term industry regulation and control efforts, industry resources and market concentration is high. The advantages of AL Real Estate Group mainly include: good corporate culture background, common values, relatively perfect organizational structure and system, relatively solid human resource base, good regional brand popularity, Strong purchasing attraction, unique distribution channel and product promotion ability, complete land acquisition channel construction and relationship establishment, customer service development brings strong customer stickiness, The overall cost control ability of AL real estate group internal weaknesses: financing scale and channels did not form an effective supply, product research and development did not form a mature and competitive product sequence, performance evaluation indicators set unscientific resulting in unfocused management, Evaluation of the future of decision-making is not strong. Through the above analysis and evaluation, we can draw a conclusion that the real estate group should implement the differentiated competitive strategy, implement five differentiated measures, such as product design, land acquisition, financing, marketing, customer service, and so on, so as to distinguish them effectively from their competitors. Earn excess profits. In order to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy, the following measures have been formulated: first, to re-establish the organizational structure, implement the mixed matrix structure, design research and development, marketing, financing, land acquisition, centralized building capacity and business; The second is to mold AL corporate culture, to build and promote the strategic culture system; third, to promote the construction of human resources system, to build a reasonable professional talent structure; fourth, to improve the control system to effectively protect the strategic landing.


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